What to feed wavy parrots?

Living in nature wavy parrots eat seeds of various herbs and cereals, kidneys and young branches of trees, fruits, can even eat insects. In captivity, the main source of their nutrition is the seeds of millet, oats and canary seed. In addition, the food can include flax seed, sesame seeds, seeds of meadow grasses and sunflower. However, it should be remembered that the seeds should only be in raw, not fried form, because feeding fried seeds can lead to sad consequences for the parrot.

What can you feed a wavy parrot?

In the stores for animals, you can find grain feeds for parrots produced by various companies. When choosing food, it is necessary to pay attention to whether it has mold, unpleasant smell or dirt. Such food is not suitable for feeding parrots. It is better if the food is packaged in a sealed plastic bag: in normal carton packs, the food can deteriorate due to improper storage and transportation conditions, and various insects can penetrate it. One parrot can eat about two teaspoons a day of such a grain mixture.

However, only grain feed is not enough to fully nourish your pet. What else do you need to feed the parrot ? Very carefully washed and grated carrots, turnip, pumpkin, melon, zucchini, cucumber, tomato and other vegetables. But what can not feed wavy parrots, so this is celery, radish, eggplant, spicy and spicy vegetables.

Fruits, before giving the parrot, should be washed and cut into pieces. They love parrots apple, pear, plum, banana, peach, pomegranate and others. You can not give them mango, persimmons, avocados, which can cause an intoxication of the organism of a small bird. With care, occasionally you can pamper your pet with a piece of walnut, hazelnut or cashew.

Greens should be present in the diet of a budgie every day. The grass should be well washed and carefully monitored so that no poisonous one enters. With pleasure eat parrots clover, burdock, sporich, plantain, meadow grass and many others. But do not give them spicy and fragrant herbs.

My favorite pastime of wavy parrots is to chew something. Therefore, give them branches of trees, previously scalded with boiling water. Birds will stretch their legs on them and eat their kidneys. Suitable for these purposes are birch, aspen, linden, maple and many others. Do not give the parrots the branches of coniferous trees, oak, bird cherry, acacia. In addition, it is useful to give parrots a variety of protein foods: boiled chicken egg, cottage cheese, fish oil.

What can not feed wavy parrots?

But the categorically you can not feed wavy parrots:

Sometimes it happens that the chick is left without parents. What to feed in this case a nestling of a wavy parrot? You can try to feed it artificially. To do this, during the first seven days of life, the chick should be fed with baby dairy-free meals. The mixture is diluted to the state of liquid puree, which adds 1-2 drops of apple or carrot juice. Then, drop by drop, this mixture into the side of the chick's beak. For one feeding, you can feed not more than 2 ml of this mixture. Feeding the chick in this way is necessary every 1.5 to 2 hours hours (including at night). At first he can refuse such a meal, but then he will start eating anyway.

After the chicks turn a week, night feeding should be canceled. For two-week parakeets, a mixture of millet porridge, a slightly boiled egg, and a floor of calcium gluconate tablets can be added to the mixture. A week later, you can add grated apple, carrot or beets, and the porridge to cook is thicker and thicker.

Approximately from the twentieth day they begin to teach the chick to eat from a spoon, pushing it between the net. A month old chick can already be gradually transferred to grain mixtures.

Feed your wavy parrot with the right food, take care of him, and he will never have health problems.