"Plum of the Gods" - how to lose weight with persimmon?

Beautiful bright orange fruits attract the attention of buyers, they are also called "plums of the gods." It's about persimmon. There are people who do not like this fruit, but the fans have much more.

Just the facts

In total there are about 200 species of this plant growing in Africa, Asia, America and India, but its homeland is China. The fruit looks like tomatoes , only orange.

Persimmon has astringent taste due to the content of tannin in it, but the fruit is ripe, the viscosity is less. Another tool that helps reduce viscosity is to freeze the fetus.

The Benefits of Persimmons

This fruit contains in its composition a huge amount of vitamins, acids and trace elements, so its benefit to the body is invaluable.

  1. Persimmon is an excellent tonic that increases the working capacity of the body and gives energy for the whole day.
  2. These fruits can be used as a sedative, since they have a positive effect on the nervous system.
  3. A wonderful remedy that fights against atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. In this persimmon can be compared with apples.
  4. Persimmon can be used as a diuretic, and it is recommended to eat with kidney and heart diseases.
  5. Fruits help with frustration and other diseases of the stomach.

How to use?

If you can not eat the fruit for nothing, then there are a few secrets, how to diversify and improve the taste.

Persimmon can be used to make fruit salads, add ice cream and other desserts. Some women cook jams and jams out of fruits. Also, persimmons can be dried and used for making various drinks, for example, in some countries they make beer from it.

Lose weight with persimmons

If you want to lose weight, then nutritionists are advised to eat persimmons on a daily basis. Although the fruit and sweet, its calorie content is very small and is 60-70 cal. If you are hungry, then eat a few pieces, you can satisfy your hunger. There are several options for losing weight with the help of the "plum of the gods":


Use this option is recommended not more than 5 days, as the diet is not balanced and the body does not receive a sufficient amount of useful substances. If you decide to use this option, then you can repeat it only after 2 months.

So, the number of allowed fruits is as follows:

To sustain such a diet can not everyone, but if you do not like persimmon, then you should not try. These days it is allowed to drink tea, but without sugar and ordinary water without gas. Daily it is necessary to drink up to 1.5 liters of water. If you experience a strong sense of hunger, then eat a slice of whole grain bread.

More sparing diet on a persimmon

The meaning of this weight loss - in one of the meals should only eat persimmon. Use this option as long as you can, at least a week. The menu can be the following:

Day number 1.

  1. For breakfast, eat a maximum of 3 fetuses.
  2. For lunch, 200 g of low-fat beef are allowed and vegetable salad, which can be filled with olive oil.
  3. For dinner, eat 200 g of fat-free cottage cheese, one fruit and drink a glass of yogurt.
Day number 2.
  1. In the morning, prepare an omelette from 2 eggs, eat a slice of bread and vegetables .
  2. At lunch, you can eat vegetable soup, 200 grams of baked nonfat fish, a salad of leaves, which is filled with olive oil.
  3. For dinner, eat 3 fruits.