Anomalies in the development of female genital organs

Anomalies in the development of the female reproductive system occur during the intrauterine formation of the child. Less often - in the postnatal period. The cause of the anomaly of the development of the genital organs can be the impact of both external teratogenic factors, and internal, associated with the pathology of the mother's body. Most often, the abnormality of the development of the reproductive system is combined with a congenital anomaly of the genitourinary system, which is due to common embryonic rudiments. Anomalies in the development of the genitourinary system are mainly for up to 12 weeks, when the effect of teratogenic factors on these systems is extremely unfavorable.

Among them are:

Classification of congenital anomalies of the female reproductive system

The pathology of female genital organs is divided by severity into:

By localization, the pathology of female genital organs is divided into an anomaly of development:

Anomalies of development of the uterus

The pathology of the development of the uterus arises from incorrect formation, incomplete sewage, a violation of the fusion of the Mullerian ducts.

As a result, the following can be formed:

Clinically, the anomaly of the development of the uterus is manifested by a violation of menstrual function. Diagnosis is based on endoscopic, ultrasound methods of investigation, computed tomography. Surgical treatment is indicated for violations of outflow of menstrual blood.

Abnormalities of the vagina

The vagina is formed from different embryonic rudiments, therefore distinguish pathology, combined with the pathology of the development of the uterus and without.

The pathology of the development of the vagina is divided into:

Clinically, pathology manifests itself in amenorrhoea, pains in the lower abdomen, the impossibility of sexual life is observed. Diagnosis is based on ultrasound, endoscopic methods of investigation. With this pathology, surgical treatment is often used.

Pathology of ovarian development

In the pathology of development of the ovaries are distinguished:

The cause of anomalies in the development of the ovaries can be intoxication and infection. Factor development of primary and secondary hypogonadism can be chromosomal and pituitary insufficiency.

Clinically, pathology manifests itself in amenorrhea , abnormality of the development of the genital organs, lagging behind in growth and development. In the treatment of pathology, hormone replacement therapy is often used, and surgical methods of treatment are not excluded.

Anomalies of development of mammary glands

Anomaly of development of mammary glands is divided into pathology:

Pathology is detected at birth or during puberty. For diagnosis, ultrasound of the breast is used, a computer study. Surgical methods are used in treatment.