Marva Ohanyan - cleansing the body

If to lay out the concept of Marva Ohanyan in a few words, the cleansing of the body is based on complete refusal of medicines and applying natural factors to strengthen health. Oganyan believes that thanks to this approach to medicine, serious, and in some cases even fatal diseases can be cured. We will tell you more about the purification of the body by Marghah Ohanyan.

What is needed for the purification process?

To carry out the purification of the body by the method of Ohanyan it is necessary to purchase at the pharmacy:

The list of herbs recommended for the purification of the body by Marwan Ohanyan includes:

The treatment fee is made up of herbs taken in equal amounts.

Also for cleaning you will need:

Preparation of phytoproduct

When purifying the body with herbs, Marve Ohanyan, it is important to properly prepare the broth. To do this, you should:

  1. 5 tablespoons herbal mixture to brew 3 liters of boiling water (in a thermos or enamel saucepan).
  2. Let the broth brew for about 1 hour.
  3. Strain the liquid.
  4. Add 2 teaspoons of honey and a quarter lemon juice to the glass of the ready phyto-product.

Purification of the body according to the method of Marva Ohanyan

The procedure for cleaning the body is as follows:

  1. In the evening (1 hour before bedtime), drink magnesium sulphate dissolved in warm water (50 g of powder per 150 ml of water). The solution acts as a laxative. Drink the drink with herbal decoction, mixed with honey and lemon juice.
  2. Lie without a pillow on your right side. In place, projected on the area of ​​the liver, put a warm water bottle. In this position should be 1 hour, while constantly drinking phyto-medicine. In total for a session it is supposed to drink 5 - 6 glasses of a liquid.
  3. Early to go to bed. Marva Hovhannisyan emphasizes that it is advisable to time for bedtime at 9 o'clock to correct the biorhythms of your body and bring them into line with natural biorhythms.
  4. Wake up in a period of time from 5 to 7 hours and prepare for washing the large intestine. To this end, pour 2 liters of warm water into the Esmarch mug, having dissolved into it a tablespoon of large table salt and a teaspoon of baking soda.
  5. Take the elbow-elbow position, remove the plastic tip and insert the Vaseline-smeared end of the tube into the rectum. This is how the intestines are washed. Enema is done 2-3 times per session.

Therapeutic course of cleaning procedures is 7-10 days. During the treatment, relative starvation is provided: it is allowed to use only broths of herbs with lemon juice and honey, and also to drink berry, fruit and vegetable freshly squeezed juices. Cherry and Grape juice must be diluted 1: 1 with water before use. If fasting is relatively easy, you can eat 100 grated horseradish daily with lemon and honey.

On the 10th day from the beginning of the fasting, the cyclamen tuber in the blender is crushed into a slurry, juice is squeezed out of it. The juice is diluted with water (1 part of the juice 10 parts water). The resulting composition is dripped into the nose, 2 drops in each nasal passage twice a day. After the fasting, cyclamen juice continues to dig in for another 4-6 months.

Important! When the body is cleansed, the teeth are rinsed with sea ​​salt dissolved in water, and the plaque from the tongue is removed with a toothbrush.