Beef ribs in the oven

If you are thinking about how to make deliciously beef ribs, we can advise them to bake them in the oven, as baking is one of the most sparing and relatively healthy ways of cooking. Young beef ribs, cooked in the oven - just delicious! This is a wonderful dish for a hearty family dinner.

So, first buy good ribs from an old animal, the younger and more tender the meat - the faster will be the preparation of beef ribs. Of course, other products must also be fresh.

Recipes of Beef Ribs

We cook delicious and tender baked beef ribs.



Before preparing the ribs we'll marinate. We rinse them in cold running water, divide into portions and remove films and veins.

From soy sauce, dried spices, salt, chopped fragrant greens and garlic, we prepare the marinade and put in it the chopped ribs. We cover the container and leave at least an hour for 2. Periodically mix the contents so that the meat is well marinated.

Refractory form for baking grease with vegetable oil (or better - grease with bacon). We put in the form pickled bones. Cover with a lid or pack it with foil and place in an oven, heated to 200º C. The baking is likely to take at least 1 hour.

Ready-roasted beef ribs can be served almost with any side dish, pickles, fresh herbs and red table wine. It is better to eat this dish at once - the next day will not be so delicious.

Beef ribs in foil with vegetables



We clean the ribs from the films and tendons, we cut them into convenient pieces for food, season with spices, salt and fill them with wine. Cover the container and leave the hour at 4. After the specified time, throw the ribs into a colander and let the marinade drain.

Ribs, peeled potatoes (whole potatoes), carrots cut into large blocks, broccoli (disassembled into kitties) and beans are packed in a bundle of foil. Bake at an average temperature of about 1 hour. Serve with fresh herbs. You can separately serve hot sauces and vegetable salads.

Beef ribs in the sleeve are baked, as well as in foil, but the foil is a healthier choice.

Beef ribs in serving pots in a country-style oven

Ingredients (per serving):


We remove the ribs from the films and tendons and cut them into pieces that are convenient for placing in pots. We cut the pumpkin into large pieces. We zamarinuem ribs and pumpkin in wine with spices. We will admit, of course.

In about 3 hours we'll prepare the vegetables, salt the marinade and rinse the ribs and pieces of pumpkin. We lay meat and pumpkin in pots. We add vegetables. We pour 150 ml of water (approximately). We close the pots with lids and send it to the oven for at least 1 hour. Served with chopped herbs and garlic. A spoonful of sour cream also does not hurt.

And if you have a little bit of beef tenderloin aside from the ribs, then you can make very delicious dishes - beef Wellington and beef in Burgundy . Great food for a romantic evening.