How to water the orchid?

In the process of caring for such a delicate plant as an orchid , watering takes first place in importance. Dosage of water and the frequency of watering - this is what you need to pay the most attention, because if you transfuse an orchid, it can get sick. In this article we will talk about how to properly water the orchid.

How to determine if an orchid needs watering?

The basic rule that will help you accurately determine whether your home orchid needs watering or not, can be formulated as follows: orchids having bulbs should be watered only when the bulb starts to dry slightly; orchids, which have no bulb, will inform you about the need for watering, wrinkling the lower leaves. Bulba is a seal located at the base of the stem, which is characteristic of sympodial orchids. In it, the plant stores useful substances and moisture. Monopodial orchids do not have bulbs, their role is played by dense fleshy leaves. The best way how to find out when to water an orchid is to closely monitor changes in the plant. One can not call a fairly common opinion true that watering can be done once a week. Actually, the plant itself will tell you how often to water an orchid. This time interval will depend on a variety of factors, such as air humidity and ambient temperature. Therefore, for each individual flower you need a personal watering schedule.

What water to water the orchid?

When preparing water for irrigation of orchids, it is always necessary to observe the main condition - the liquid must be at room temperature. Water quality is also very important. In natural conditions, flowers feed during rainstorms with rainwater, which practically does not contain salts. And the water that comes from the tap is a groundwater, already enriched with salts. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to collect rainwater outside the city in a garden area, then this will be the best option for how to water the orchid in the summer. However, such water should not only be collected, but also be able to properly store. The container with liquid should be placed in a dark and cold room to prevent the appearance of harmful bacteria in it.

If there is nowhere to collect rainwater, then it is possible to use several ways to purify tap water from the salts contained in it. Residents of those regions where soft water flows from the tap can simply boil the liquid. With high water hardness, it is worth using a filter or simply letting water settle for 24 hours.

How to water an orchid?

There are several options for how to water the orchid. To understand what will suit you and your flower, try them all.


Place the pot with the plant for a few minutes under the water. Then let all excess liquid drain off. Flowers after transplant can be kept underwater longer - up to 10-20 minutes.


This is a common way of watering from a watering can, during which the entire substrate is uniformly moistened. When choosing this option, it is important not to forget to drain the accumulated water from the pan.

Orchid shower

This method of irrigation can be used both independently and together with the previous options. In this case, the plant can be poured directly from the shower head, setting the temperature of the jet at 35-37 ° C. This is a good method how to water a flowering orchid , because it allows you to clear the leaves and petals from accumulated contaminants. However, do not forget that this method can be used only if soft water flows from the tap, which does not contain a large number of salts and impurities of heavy metals.