Ficus in the house - signs

Ficus is one of the most beautiful and popular indoor plants, which can often be found in residential buildings or in office buildings. This flower has more than a thousand varieties and they are all insanely beautiful and graceful. Therefore, if you decide to acquire a ficus, then you have a fairly uneasy choice. In addition, the ficus has won the love of many florists not only because of their beauty, but also rather unpretentious growing.

However, indoor flowers, like any other living things, carry a kind of energy - positive or negative. That is why, many housewives are afraid that it is possible to keep ficus at home, because so many will exist on this topic? So, let's take a closer look at this issue and see what symbolizes the ficus in the house, what it's useful for, and why some botanists claim that you can not keep the ficus at home?

The Importance of Ficus in the House

Ficuses are one of the first houseplants that have undergone a close study of biologists. As a result of long studies it turned out that this flower helps purify the air, and also saturates the atmosphere with oxygen in the room in which it is located. In addition, it is proved that the ficus is able to absorb certain substances harmful to humans, such as benzene, phenol, trichlorethylene, formaldehyde, and due to enzymes that are contained in plant leaves, poisonous impurities are converted into amino acids and sugar.

It is also known that leaves, juice, stems and fruits of some species of ficus are widely used in oriental medicine for the treatment of various diseases - intestinal, skin, and cancer. However, we remind you that you should not experiment on your own health without consulting your doctor.

Is the ficus in the house harmful?

Some botanists claim that one type of ficus can actually harm human health. This fact is explained by the fact that the flower produces rubber, which, getting into the air, can adversely affect the health of asthmatics. In addition, it is believed that the juice of the ficus is also poisonous, so do not try it on the palate, and also let the juice get on the skin. In addition, it is strongly recommended to be especially careful with this houseplant to those who have a small child or pets in the house.

Ficuses in the house - folk signs

From ancient times, from the generation to the generation, people's signs and beliefs about the ficus are transmitted, according to which this flower is considered a family plant. So, for example, in China they are sure that ficus brings comfort to the house, helps to find a way out of any problems, and also harmonizes the energy in the house. And in Thailand, the ficus of Benjamin is a symbol of the state and is revered as a plant with unearthly power.

As for the Slavic peoples, the opinion here is rather ambiguous. According to some signs, the ficus, as the owner of the "wax leaf", promises to the family quarrels, scandals and gossip. Other signs give this plant only positive properties. For example, it is believed that the ficus has a favorable effect on the atmosphere of the house as a whole, absorbing negative energy and bringing good luck and prosperity to the house.

In addition, there is also a sign that this indoor flower helps married couples to have children. It is believed that for this purpose it is necessary to transplant the ficus into a new, more spacious pot, place it in the spouse's bedroom and wait for new shoots that will become harbingers of the long-awaited pregnancy.

As you can see, the unequivocal opinion is good or bad to contain the ficus at home, so it's up to you to decide - to believe everything or just admire the wonderful plant of the house!