Contusion of the tailbone - is treatment necessary, and how to carry it out?

Getting a contusion of the coccyx can be done when falling on a hard surface, while riding a bicycle off-road. This trauma is manifested by pain, swelling and the appearance of a hematoma. Lack of adequate treatment of the injury can become the root cause of chronic pain.

Contusion of the coccyx - symptoms

The coccyx is the lower part of the spine, resembling in shape an inverted pyramid and consisting of fused vertebrae. In fact, the tailbone is the rudimentary tail of mammals, but for man this anatomical element is very important, since nerves, ligaments and muscles that participate in the functioning of the large intestine and organs of the genitourinary sphere are attached to it. Because of its structure, the coccyx is an extremely vulnerable part of the spine.

There is a contusion of the coccyx in the fall or other traumatic effects on the buttock area. The bruise of the lower spine can be diagnosed by such symptoms:

Contusion of the tailbone or fracture - how to determine?

To understand what happened as a result of a fall-a bruise or fracture of the coccyx-is possible by some symptom, but the final diagnosis can only be made by the doctor after an analysis of the x-ray or computed tomography. To suspect fracture it is possible on the following grounds:

How much does the bruised coccyx hurt?

The most common question in a tailbone that has received a bruise is how much this trauma can hurt. The victim believes that if the damage is not treated, then it will heal itself. In this case, with a bruise, hematomas and hemorrhages form, which can tighten and squeeze the surrounding tissues. On the site of resorbing bleeding, small scars can form, which adversely affect the functioning of the surrounding muscles and ligaments. Develop after the injury, the coccyx's contusion and myositis, causing severe pain. All this leads to the development of koktsigodinii - a syndrome of chronic pain.

Contusion of the tailbone - what to do?

The first thing that interests a traumatized person is how to treat a contusion of the coccyx. In a life-threatening situation, you should not rely on your own knowledge and advice from the layman, but go to the trauma center and to begin to exclude a more serious injury - a fracture of the coccyx, sacrum or spine. The treatment of the coccyx contusion is performed at home, but under the supervision of a doctor, the prescriptions of which should be strictly observed.

The main healer with a trauma is the contusion of the coccyx - time. Injured area should be maximally unloaded: do not lie on your back and do not sit without a special orthopedic pillow or inflatable rubber circle. It is also recommended to follow a diet that does not allow the appearance of constipation. Forbidden - visiting the bath and hot tubs, physical activities and wearing shoes with heels.

Based on the individual situation, the doctor can prescribe physiotherapy procedures for the speedy removal of pain and swelling, faster healing:

Medicamentous therapy in trauma, the coccyx injury includes drugs for pain relief, reduction of the inflammatory process and swelling, resorption of hematomas. Drugs on the basis of ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, ketoprofen, indomethacin the doctor prescribes in the form of tablets, capsules, suppositories, ointments, creams, gels or other convenient forms for the affected. When prone to constipation, it is desirable to use laxatives in the form of candles or microclysters.

First aid with a bruise

In case of trauma, the coccyx contusion in the fall treatment begins in the first minutes. To begin with, it is necessary to apply a very cold compress to the site of the bruise - this will help stop the internal hemorrhage and prevent the development of edema. The injured person should be placed on his side so that nothing is squeezed into the damaged area and transported to the emergency station. If necessary, the trauma of the coccyx injury treatment may include anesthesia - the victim can be given any analgesic.

Compression in case of injury

In case of trauma, the coccyx contusion treatment at home includes the use of folk remedies in the form of compresses:

Anesthetic and healing compress with coccyx contusion


Preparation and use

  1. Mix the ingredients until smooth.
  2. Put the product on the canvas and attach to the bruise.
  3. Wash off the product after 40-60 minutes.

Ointment with a bruise

Pharmacy ointment with a coccyx contour is applied taking into account the necessary effect:

Massage with a bruise

Interested in answering the question how to treat a coccyx injury at home often recall such an anesthetic method as massage. In this particular case, it must be remembered that in the first days after the injury, any rubbing of the affected area is prohibited. Weak massage, which will accelerate resorption of hematomas, is possible no earlier than on the fifth day, but you should consult a doctor beforehand.

Contusion of the coccyx - consequences

With adequate treatment, even a severe tailbone injury does not bring serious long-term consequences to the victim. If the pain syndrome is not amenable to standard treatment, the doctor can offer a novocaine blockade or other methods of getting rid of the pain. Ignoring unpleasant sensations and self-medication with pain medication can lead to severe consequences, since pain can indicate: