Pain in the hip joint is the most common cause and effective treatment

Pain in the hip joint changes the ordinary way of life, preventing a person from fully moving and fulfilling their duties. To get rid of an obsessive symptom it is possible when the cause of disturbances in the functioning of the joint and the painful condition will be clarified.

Pain in the hip joint - causes

The hip joint is the largest joint. Health and proper functioning of the joint allow a person to take any position of the body and move freely. The person does not notice the work of this important joint until the problems appear in it. Loss of mobility, pain, discomfort, crunching, pain in certain positions - all this knocks down the habitual course of life and causes the patient to abandon certain actions.

Painful sensations are concentrated in the place of attachment of the femur to the pelvic bone, but can extend to nearby areas, bones, muscles, nerves, tendons. Pain in the hips, the causes of which are hidden in inflammatory processes, can be a source of degenerative changes. Therefore, the treatment of this pathology should begin immediately after the detection of impaired mobility and the appearance of pain. Among the important sources of pain in the joints are injuries, damage to capsules, articular surfaces, ligaments, infectious diseases and metabolic disorders.

Diseases of the hip joints

Diseases of pelvic joints appear due to inflammatory diseases that result from the development of infections, metabolic disorders, problems with the immune system. The main diseases of hip joints include:

These diseases of hip joints have different symptoms, severity and course. So, pains with coxarthrosis of the hip joint are unstable and localized in the groin, buttocks or lower back. Pain in arthritis in the hip appears periodically and has moderate strength. With arthrosis, the soreness of the hip joint is combined with impaired mobility.

Pain in the hip when walking - causes

Pain in the hip joint during walking can be the result of different causes, so the specialist should determine the correct diagnosis after a complete examination. There are 4 important reasons for the painfulness of the hip joint during movement:

Pain in the hip when getting up

If the hip joint hurts when you get up, the reasons must be sought in the joint of the femur and pelvic bones. The main problem leading to joint pain is arthritis. Arthritic inflammation can be purulent, psoriatic, gouty and rheumatoid. Symptoms of acute arthritis will be felt about two months, a protracted one - less than a year. If signs of the disease manifest themselves more than a year, doctors diagnose "chronic arthritis."

Pain in the hip joint in the sitting position

When in a sitting position a person hurts the hip joint, you can try to change the position of the body. Sometimes an uncomfortable posture leading to the clamping of the vessels can be a source of pain in the sitting position. A more serious cause is coxarthrosis. Degenerative and dystrophic processes that take place in the cartilaginous articular tissue lead to the appearance of pain in any position and to a disruption in the mobility of the joint.

Pain in the hip joint in the prone position

Pain in the hip joint lying on its side is considered an alarming symptom, indicating the pathological processes in the joint. The simplest reason for the situation when the leg in the hip joint hurts is the excessive load or injury that affected the joint. The serious diseases in which this symptom occurs are:

Aching in the hip joint

Pain in the hip joint, giving in the leg, is a weighty symptom of inflammation of the joint bag - bursitis. The pain becomes acute, increases with movement and spreads along the leg. In rest the damaged joint will continue to hurt or it will feel a burning sensation. Propagation along the leg pain can also occur with purulent arthritis. This disease develops rapidly, leading to the appearance of severe pain and mobility disorders. Purulent arthritis can be complicated by sepsis, necrosis and fatal.

Acute pain in hip joint

Doctors can not easily figure out why the hip joint hurts. Sharp pains and mobility disorders can be symptoms of various diseases of infectious, inflammatory and traumatic origin. Burning or shooting pains in the region of the hip joint are typical for such diseases:

Hip of the hip joint - what to do, how to treat

If the hip hurts, what to do and how to cure it, it is best to check with your doctor. Improper self-management is fraught with complications, decreased mobility of the joint, degenerative changes, and with purulent infections - fatal. For the treatment of the hip joint, depending on the diagnosis, doctors resort to such methods:

The hip joint hurts - to what doctor to address

Patients are difficult to understand this point: if the hip hurts, to which doctor to go? If you have problems with any joints, you should first visit a therapist. After a primary examination and anamnesis, the therapist can send the patient to the laboratory for a series of studies. Taking into account the received results, the therapist decides which doctor will treat further: neurologist, traumatologist, rheumatologist, physiotherapist.

Pain in the hip joint - drugs for treatment

If the patient feels pain in the hip joint, treatment will always include drug therapy. The plan and components of treatment will depend on the specific diagnosis. For problems with the hip joint, such drugs are used:

Exercises for pain in the hip joint

Pain in the hip joint - what to do? Answer the question the doctor can after a survey and diagnosis. If the treatment of articular pathology does not require complete rest articulation, the physiotherapist may prescribe therapeutic gymnastics. A good exercise to restore the functionality of patients with joints is swimming. It minimizes the load on the joint, allows you to relax the muscles and bring the joint into the correct position.

Exercise in patients with joints should be performed with caution, starting with the minimum number of repetitions. One should be attentive to one's own state of health and abandon those exercises that lead to a worsening of the condition. The main exercises for patients with pelvic joints are: