What helps tincture of mushrooms?

Collecting mushrooms in the forest, everyone knows that it is better not to touch the mushroom with a red bonnet. After all, this inhabitant of the forest is completely unsuitable for eating. The toxic substances that are contained in it will inevitably lead to serious poisoning. However, folk healers say that this fungus can be made tincture, which can help in the treatment of serious diseases. What exactly helps the tincture of mushroom now and understand.

What treats tincture of mushrooms?

To begin with, it is worth considering what this mushroom contains. Although all its chemical composition to date has not been studied, it is known that it contains a lot of the strongest alkaloids, as well as other toxic compounds. Knowing about this composition, it would seem, what helps the tincture of mushroom , if it is toxic. But folk healers claim that when he insists on alcohol, partially poisonous substances are neutralized. This tincture has anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antibiotic effect. In medicine, this medicine is used in oncology, leukemia, epilepsy, tuberculosis. Also therapeutic tincture from fly agarics is used for grinding. With serious problems with joints, this is a fairly effective tool.

Against what else can you use tincture on fly agaric?

Experts argue that this medicine should be used only in extreme cases. Often, it is prescribed for ingestion in the last stages of cancer, when other drugs no longer help. But basically the tincture is applied externally. For example, with rheumatism or radiculitis. Although here you should be careful and use only in certain doses and with obvious indications.

The recipe for tincture of mushrooms

Prepare the tincture mainly on the following recipe:

Freshly picked mushrooms must be cleaned of dirt and leaves. Then finely chop and fold in a glass jar, cover, wrap the dishes in a plastic bag and bury them in the ground for 35 days. At the end of the period, the bank to dig out and all the liquid that the mushrooms were allocated to pour into clean dishes. Then add the alcohol in the ratio of one to one.

It is important to note that for the preparation of tinctures, only those mushrooms that were collected in ecologically clean places will fit, since they absorb all harmful substances from the environment.