How to get rid of allergies?

Pollution of the environment, poor-quality food and constant stress lead to an increase in the incidence of allergy. Today, very many people suffer from this ailment: they notice a rash on the skin, itching, runny nose, tearing, which occur periodically after contact with the allergen.

The reasons for the occurrence of allergies include, in the first place, genetics: if a person has allergies among relatives, the probability of an inadequate immunological reaction of his body increases several times.

For this reason, the disease is difficult to treat, therefore, the answer to the question whether it is possible to get rid of allergies can not be unambiguous.

Nevertheless, let's look at how you can try to get rid of allergies and at the same time clarify a few questions about the prospects for treatment.

How to get rid of allergies forever?

The outlook for treatment prospects depends, first of all, on the role of the genetic factor in the formation of allergies. For example, if the next of kin of a person suffers from this disease, then one can get rid of this disease permanently only by avoiding the allergen and periodically preventing this disease. In fact, this suggests that 100% cure is impossible, but relapse prevention is in the patient's power.

If the allergy is acquired, then the probability of getting rid of it is great: you need to go through a full course of treatment, and also to form a new "program" in the body: create a so-called resistance to the allergen.

How to quickly get rid of allergies: general methods of treatment

There are a number of procedures that are performed by the patient, regardless of what form of allergy it suffers:

  1. Cleansing the body. This includes the purification of the intestines with the help of sorbents (white coal, liferan, ethereosgel, etc.), as well as blood with therapeutic plasmapheresis. Plasmapheresis can only be carried out in clinics that have been tested, because it can lead to diseases that are transmitted with blood: syphilis, HIV, malaria, etc. Therefore, it is better to carry out this procedure only in extreme cases.
  2. Use of synthetic corticosteroids. These hormones are produced by the adrenal glands and help the body cope with the disease in crisis situations: for example, they help maintain vital activity in extensive wounds, performing an operation, and removing inflammatory processes. For the treatment of allergies, prednisolone is used (the amount of drug administration depends on the severity of the disease) intravenously or intramuscularly. Regular use of this medication is not allowed.
  3. Reception of antihistamines. Often, the histamine is responsible for the allergic reaction, which is produced in large quantities, and therefore tablets (claritin, ketotifen, allergine, cetrine, etc.), injections (eg, suprastin) or cream are used to relieve symptoms (but not causes).
  4. Use of immunomodulators. These medications help to balance the immune system, the inadequate response of which is the cause of allergies. In some cases, this is a very effective method of treatment, which leaves a lasting effect.

How to get rid of cold allergies?

For the treatment of cold allergies from the above methods, the most relevant are the following:

  1. Use of antihistamines. These drugs will help to remove the symptoms: itching and redness of the skin, but they do not eliminate the cause of the allergy.
  2. The use of sedatives. Partially cold allergies can occur due to poor adaptive capacity of the body, which is responsible for the adrenal glands and the vegetative system. To support the VNS, it is recommended to drink sedatives or daytime tranquilizers: adaptol, valerian root or any other sedatives.
  3. Reception of calcium. This natural micronutrient helps reduce vascular permeability.

Allergy on the face - how to get rid?

Quite often in the winter with cold allergies on the face there are itchy red spots or even Quincke's edema. Get rid of these symptoms will help any antihistamine cream, which is desirable to carry around.

How to get rid of food allergies?

From food allergies are appropriate such treatment measures:

  1. Diet.
  2. Purification of the intestine (and treatment of dysbiosis, if constipation is present).
  3. Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract (allergy may occur due to a violation of fermentation).
  4. Purification of blood (in extreme cases).
  5. Use of immunomodulators.
  6. Reception of antihistamines.
  7. Strengthening of the nervous system.

From allergies will help get rid of only complex and systematic treatment, as well as periodic prevention of the disease.