Lactation period - what is it?

The lactation period is the process of breastfeeding, beginning with the first application after birth and until the last drop of milk disappears from the woman after the feeding has ceased. This process is of special importance for both the child and his mother. To date, the recommendations of obstetrician-gynecologists are that the first breast-feeding should take place immediately after childbirth. At this moment, there is no milk in the woman's breast, but there is a very useful and important colostrum for the baby. When there is milk in the breast (this happens, as a rule, on day 2 after childbirth), a woman may experience some discomfort. Breast increases in size, experiencing unusual pressure, sometimes even pain.

Then, after three weeks (sometimes this period may drag on), there comes a period of mature lactation. If only emerging newborns need to breastfeed as often as possible to establish lactation, then in this period, the baby should be fed on demand. Although the intervals between feedings should be at least two hours, and eventually increase to four hours.

How to breastfeed?

Throughout the whole period of breastfeeding, it is necessary to monitor how each time this process takes place. The child must grasp the entire areola around the nipple in the mouth, not just the nipple itself. This will help my mother avoid pain and ease his "hard work". It is work, because the baby, especially at first, has to make a lot of effort to "extract" milk. Also, to facilitate his task and increase the outflow of milk, you can massage the breast during feeding from the base of the breast to the nipple. Attempts to stop breastfeeding in a mature lactation period usually result in failure or trouble for the woman (until the onset of mastitis).

During the period of mature lactation follows the period of involution. The duration of breastfeeding is determined precisely by the onset of this period. It happens at the age of the child 1,5-2,5 years. Signs of lactation involution are:

It is during this period that the child is easiest to wean from the breast, and such children do not get sick for another six months. At the same time, the lactation crisis, which occurs at the 10-11 month old age of the child, should not be confused with the involution.

When and how to finish breastfeeding right?

The World Health Organization is of the opinion that breastfeeding is best up to 2 years. Breastfeeding after 2 years of poorly studied and to prove its usefulness is difficult. However, it is precisely known that breastfeeding after a year is beneficial for the baby. Milk during this period acquires the properties of colostrum, contains antibodies and positively influences the immunity of the child, protecting it from viruses and infections.

There are reasons why a woman does not want or can not continue breastfeeding when the child is growing up (fatigue, psychological state, etc.). If a decision is made to remove a baby from the breast, then there are several rules that need to be adhered to:

Whichever decision a woman makes about feeding a child after a year, she should be aware that the lactation period is a very important stage in the life of her child. Therefore, the decision to stop or continue feeding should be well thought out, and rely only on one's own feelings, doctor's recommendations and the state of the child, and not on the opinions of others and tradition.