Sprain of the ankle joints - treatment

To one of the most serious sprains is the stretching of the ligaments of the ankle joint. So, with severe forms of trauma and with non-intensive treatment, you can lose your ability to work for life. Next, consider the causes of the appearance of stretching, the ways of their treatment and prevention of injury.

Signs of sprain

Partial rupture of tendons is most often the result of a fall, a sharp turn or a blow. Such injuries accompany athletes taking part in competitions, as well as runners who cross the rails on an uneven surface. Cases of sprains are not uncommon when wearing uncomfortable shoes.

Those born with a weak tendon in the ankle can also be subject to constant stretching.

Sprain: symptoms

The symptoms of stretching are different. This is pain, swelling, and bruising. Also, with this trauma, there are difficulties in walking and instability in the joint itself. The severity of the pain depends on the intensity of the symptoms. In some cases, stretching causes neither pain nor swelling. But still need the diagnosis and treatment of a specialist.

How to treat sprain?

The first thing that is necessary when stretching the ligaments of the ankle is treatment. The main requirement of a doctor is rest, because loading "on a full" leg, you can cause great damage. By the way, to lower the activity on the ankle of a diseased leg is only necessary in the first three to five days.

Helps reduce the pain and calm the ankle. Periodic application of cold on a sore spot reduces swelling of the foot. Try to have a sore leg above the level of the heart, the swelling will subside, and the pain will not worry you much.

Sometimes, when the ligaments are sprained, a temperature is possible. There is nothing terrible in this, the usual reaction of the body to the trauma. As the edema converges, your 36.6 will return to normal.

Massage with sprains, as a complex treatment, is important. Initially, the massage is not done on the ankle, but kneaded and stroked the shin itself. Gradually, massage moves to the traumatic area itself. The procedure takes an average of 15 minutes.

Folk remedies for sprains

And how to cure the stretching of the ligaments without going to the doctor? You should not have such questions, because this trauma can lead to surgical intervention. If you still do not want to be treated medically, choose medications that came from the people. So, an excellent tool for stretching the ligaments will be an application on the site of the injury from grated raw potatoes, which can be mixed with sour cabbage, and with grated onions.

To remove the inflammation, you can prepare a mixture based on animal fat. Add to he ground garlic and eucalyptus leaves, apply for a short time to the diseased area. The compress itself can be left up to half an hour daily.

Not too much will become a compress based on garlic. To prepare the mixture, it is necessary to crush the garlic, add apple or balsamic vinegar and a little ethyl alcohol. The resulting gruel must be insisted for a week in a dark cold place. Shake before mixing. Compresses are superimposed for twenty minutes and repeated at least three times a day.

If there is no time for cooking, then take a cabbage leaf. Slightly mash it, grease with vegetable oil or sprinkle with powder of baking soda and put on the swollen ankle. It is better to do this at night, so as not to injure the leg, and cabbage leaf for fixation wrap around with a normal or elastic bandage.