The child does not eat well

This, perhaps, is the greatest grief in the life of my grandmother and mother. The family gathered at the table, and the smallest and most important member of it refuses to eat or eats very little. Let's see why your child does not eat well, and whether this is really so.

What can I do to make the child eat more?

Often the answer lies on the surface, and there is simply no reason to worry, try to change the feeding process to begin with:

Why did the child become ill?

As you can see, a little common sense and imagination on the part of the parents may well eliminate the problem of poor appetite, but sometimes the child does not eat well for quite objective reasons. Let's look at the reasons why a child does not eat well:

Often, the fears of the mother that the child is very poorly eating, groundless, consult a pediatrician, if the ratio of height and weight of the child is normal, you should not worry. There are several tricks that will help mom persuade a child who has become poorly eating. First stop pouring large portions, this frightens the crumbs. Before meals, run outdoors, it will arouse appetite. Try to plant a child who is very poorly eating, with other children, the company most likely he will eat more than usual. And the main thing: do not feed the child violently, the day or the second hunger strike will not bring such a health damage as neuroses from force-feeding.