Treatment of cholecystitis with drugs

Inflammation of the gallbladder can be diagnosed in patients of any age and sex. But as the long-term medical practice shows, most often the treatment of cholecystitis medicaments have to think about middle-aged women. Develops ailment against the background of damage to the walls of the body or because of a violation of the outflow of bile. In the initial stages of the disease, you can not notice, but the longer you neglect it, the more difficult it will be to get rid of inflammation.

How to understand that you need drugs to treat cholecystitis?

Some patients that they have cholecystitis, do not guess for many years. During this period, the wall of the bladder thickens considerably and becomes practically immobile. Because of this, the mucosa forms scars, through which bile to go even more difficult. Everything leads to the formation of stones and the chronic form of the disease.

You can prevent complications, knowing the main signs of the disease. Among them:

The newest drugs for treating acute cholecystitis - how should they be taken?

No medicine will not be effective at all, if at the time of admission, the patient will not follow the diet. The latter is generally considered the main stage in the fight against inflammation. At the time of recovery, you need to limit the intake of salt, fat and protein. In the summer even unloading days will not prevent to arrange.

Drug treatment of pancreatitis and cholecystitis should be consistent with a specialist. The choice is made individually, depending on the patient's condition and the degree of neglect of the inflammation.

If the disease is accompanied by pain, first of all you should deal with them. To eliminate discomfort, different drugs can be used. Most often, specialists resort to the help of antispasmodics:

Odeston proved to be quite good. These pills are great for treating cholecystitis. They have an antispasmodic effect and contribute to the rapid emptying of the biliary tract, while not contributing to active bile secretion. Take Odeston should be three times a day for 200-400 mg before eating.

Some experts are inclined to antidepressants, believing that they will stop painful syndromes no less effectively. The most popular representatives of their group are Mianserin and Amitriptyline.

Sometimes the treatment of chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis can not do without choleretic medications, such as:

Instead of these medicines, adherents of traditional methods of treatment can use natural herbal collections based on the colors of immortelle or corn stigmas.

In some cases, chronic cholecystitis can not be cured without litholytic drugs. Preparations of this group should be applied to those who have already formed cholesteric gallstones, the diameter of which does not exceed one and a half centimeters:

  1. The dosage of Henofalk is calculated from the calculation of 15 mg per kilogram of weight.
  2. Ursofalka is required slightly less - 10 mg / kg.
  3. The most cost-effective is Lithofalk - 7 mg / kg.

Antibiotics for fighting inflammation also apply. But as a rule, they are prescribed in the late stages of the disease. The most effective antibacterial drugs in this case are: