Remens with menopause

During the period of the woman's entry into the menopause, there is a need for medications that are designed to correct the emerging changes in the female body. These drugs include remens. It is a homeopathic preparation of Austrian production used by women during menopause.

Drops of remission with menopause: composition of the drug

Drops are a transparent colorless liquid with a slight yellowish tint and have a rather specific smell. The composition of the remens includes:

As an auxiliary substance, ethanol (43%) is included in the preparation.

Since remens has in its composition plant components, then after a while the solution may become cloudy or the smell may become less dramatic. However, all useful properties of the remedy while preserving.

Remance in the form of drops has a longer shelf life than tablets: drops are stored for 5 years, tablets are only three years old.

Remance: dosage

With a climacteric period, in the form of drops, ten drops are prescribed ten times a day. If the woman's condition has improved and is stable for several days, the dosage of the drug can be reduced to two times a day.

At the onset of a climacteric attack or in situations where the easing of its symptoms is required, it is possible to consume 8-10 drops of remens in one session every hour. However, within a day you can take the medication no more than eight times a day. When the condition improves, you must return to the usual dosage (three times a day for ten drops).

Drops of remedy diluted in one tablespoon of water, taken orally, but before swallowing it is necessary to hold drops in the mouth for 20 seconds.

How long can I take Remens?

The full course of remission treatment is six months. However, in each individual case, the attending physician can adjust the duration of treatment, both in the large and in the lower side.

Various forms of droplet release (20, 50, 100 ml) allow you to select the most suitable drug in accordance with the doctor's prescriptions.

Remens: contraindications and side effects

Like any remedy, drops of remens have contraindications. Hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug is the basis for stopping the application of the remission. In some cases, excessive salivation is possible. However, such cases are quite rare.

There are analogues of the remission: cyclodinone, climaxan, notta. However, in terms of their effectiveness, they significantly lose the belt. Remens is an effective remedy that helps to correct the psychoemotional state of a woman, successfully fights with hot flashes , hyperhidrosis (increased sweating with menopause ), palpitations, fluctuations blood pressure. Remens can prevent weight gain in the menopause, and also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Climax is a state of the female body when there is a change in the hormonal background. In this case, to achieve a balance of the ovary-pituitary-hypothalamus system, the drop of the remens has a curative effect that persists for a fairly long time. Therefore, modern doctors increasingly appoint a remens for women who entered the menopause and in need of maintenance therapy.