Salted herring at home

Do you want to make a delicious salted herring at home? Then this material is exactly what you need. The proposed recipes will help you to pickle herring yourself and, if desired, marinate it additionally in a marinade with onions.

Herring salted at home - prescription



This recipe for cooking salted herring at home is the easiest and most affordable. The result will be the classic taste of fish, the degree of which will depend only on the time of exposure in brine.

Fish is best salted entirely. Thus, the herring is evenly salted, keeping the maximum of its taste and useful properties. For the same reason, it is also better to gut the carcass after salting before drinking. The only prerequisite for the preparatory stage is the removal of the gills. It is this part of the carcass that can give an unpleasant bitterish taste to the meat of the finished fish at the outlet.

So, remove the gills, rinse the herring and put it in a glass, enamel or stainless vessel. Boil the water, dissolve sugar and salt in it and let it cool. Now we pour the prepared carcass with the cooled liquid, we leave first for an hour at room conditions, and then we move to the shelf of the refrigerator until the desired degree of salting is obtained. For slightly salted herring we keep it for two days, and for saturated salted let's stand the fish in brine for about a week.

For herring spicy salting, it is enough to add the desired spices and spices to taste in the water for brine.

How to pickle the salted herring at home?

Already salted to the desired degree herring can additionally marinate, giving the fish new taste tones. Recipes marinades for salted herring slices at home are countless, we'll tell you how to implement the most popular of them.



Salted herring with giblets and remove the bones. We cut the fillets into slices randomly and start preparing the marinade. We give water to boil, add laurushku, sugar and salt (if the herring was slightly salted). We also throw peas of pepper, pour in vegetable oil, remove from heat, add vinegar and leave spicy liquid to cool to room temperature. At this time shinkle the thin half rings of the bulb and lay it in layers in a jar, alternating with slices of salted herring fillets. We rub the surface of the billet with a little sugar, fill it with a cooled marinade and send it to the shelf of the refrigerator for twelve hours.