Inflammation of the ovaries in women

Inflammation of the ovaries in women - a disease that is not noticeable to others, but, at the same time, very dangerous. The chronic forms of this disease are especially unpleasant. According to statistics, most women suffer from ovarian inflammation before the age of 25. It is at this time that most of them try to conceive a child. However, just inflammation in the ovaries can become an obstacle to maternity.

Ovarian inflammation in women: symptoms

With inflammation of the ovaries often there is pain in the pelvic region, lower parts of the spine, in the lower abdomen. The nature of secretions with inflammation of the ovaries is also specific, most often they are serous or purulent. Sometimes this disease is accompanied by fever, vomiting, nausea. In addition, patients with ovarian inflammation complain of irritability, poor sleep, decreased performance, fast fatigue, etc.

Ovarian inflammation: causes

Often inflammation of the ovaries is caused by the following pathogenic factors:

Its appearance can contribute to hypothermia, physical and mental fatigue, reduced immunity against other internal diseases, promiscuous sexual life. Inflammation of the ovaries can also be caused by mechanical causes, for example, wearing a spiral, or other inflammations in the body (colitis, enterocolitis, acute appendicitis).

Inflammation of the ovaries: consequences

The most dangerous complication that can result from untimely treatment of ovarian inflammation is infertility. Infertility inflammation of the appendages is dangerous other serious complications, for example, purulent abscess, which can cause peritonitis.

If there is a violation of the uterine tube, fertilization of the egg may occur, but the tube can not deliver the embryo to the uterus. Ectopic pregnancy, with a lucky coincidence, can result in surgical removal of the tube, and in the worst case with intraperitoneal bleeding.

Therefore, it is so important to determine the cause of the disease in time and undergo the appropriate treatment.

Ovarian inflammation in women: treatment

Treatment depends primarily on the cause of the disease. Preparations for inflammation of the ovaries are selected individually in accordance with the results of the analysis (bakposseva, PCR, analysis of microflora). The most common antibiotic is a general action and a local remedy that will restore a healthy microflora (for this, various candles, ointments, etc.) are used. However, a specific agent for the treatment of inflammation of the appendages can be prescribed only by a gynecologist.

Remember that only treatment can prevent the transition of an acute form of ovarian inflammation into a chronic one.

When you have sex during treatment for inflammation of the ovaries, you should use a condom, because with a bacterial infection, there is a risk of a new infection from a partner. For the same reason treatment for this disease is recommended to pass to both partners simultaneously.

Prevention of ovarian inflammation

Restoration of local and general body immunity is the key to optimal prevention of ovarian inflammation. Chlamydia, bacteria, various infections - all this is constantly present in our environment, but it is necessary to strengthen the body's strengths so that it remains immune to external pathological factors. Women who suffer from frequent illnesses due to poor immune system functioning can be recommended to lead a more active lifestyle, more often to go outdoors, take vitamins, use more vegetables, fruits and fermented milk products in their food. Do not forget about natural immunomodulators, such as echinacea, licorice, eleutherococcus.