Irish moss

An excellent alternative to lawn grass on the site, can be Irish moss or bryozoan awl-like, which, unlike grass, does not require intensive care and care. Not everyone has heard of this wonderful plant, so let's lift the veil of mystery above him and reveal to the world this creation of nature.

What is attractive about the moss-shaped styloid?

Its popularity has earned its popularity. In fact, unlike other green lawn plants, it does not need to be cut or cut, since it is only 5-7 cm high, but it perfectly covers the soil of any relief with a dense carpet.

To care Irish moss is very undemanding - it can be fed, or it is possible not to fertilize, irrigation should be regular only when the plants are only planted in the ground. Bryozoans do not mind growing both in the open sunny area and in the penumbra. And the small white flowers that adorn the green carpet from the beginning of summer exude a wonderful unobtrusive aroma.

From the Irish moss of two different shades (light and dark green), you can create original compositions. They beautifully decorate the alpine hill or the paths in the garden, or completely sow them a rest area, without worrying about trampling. The downside is that even if the Irish moss is damaged, it will tighten the problem seat in a few days, and the more it is rammed with your feet, the denser and more picturesque the rug becomes. That is why the plant is gaining popularity in our country, especially since the winter hardiness of the styloid bryozoan is very high and only in very cold regions does it require shelter for the winter.

Where does the Irish moss grow?

Judging from the name, the grass of Irish moss should grow in Ireland, where, in general, it grows. In addition, this soil cover plant is widespread throughout Western Europe. We have about 12 species of bryozoans, and three of them are common everywhere. It:

  1. Shilovid - a plant that pleases the eye year-round thanks to the dark evergreen foliage in the form of small soft needles. Blooms all summer.
  2. Mshankovaya - light green needles form dense cushions, which are a pleasure to grow.
  3. Lying - this plant is a weed, but it is quite noble, since it is grown specially on its private plots. The most stable of all of them is the species that reproduces practically without human intervention.

How to grow Irish moss in the country?

It is very simple to plant a bryophyte on its site and for this purpose there are two ways - to sow it with seeds for seedlings, or to buy already sown seedlings and wait for them to reproduce, but this happens quite quickly.

You can buy seeds both on the Internet and in any store of the corresponding goods. Like other seedlings, small seeds are sown in boxes at the end of March, but not buried in the soil, but left on the surface for better germination and covered with glass or film.

A week later the first needles rise above the surface of the ground and actively move into growth, increasing in size several times. Tapping them in a couple of weeks for individual glasses can save plants from traumatizing the root system when planting on the street, although some gardeners, especially in the north, immediately put them in a container in order to bring it in a warmer winter and save it until next season.

In May, you can plant plants in the garden, do not forget to water twice a week. In summer, watering should be somewhat reduced, so that adult bryozoans do not rot, since they do not tolerate excess moisture.

If the seeds are immediately thrown into the ground in the spring or autumn, they will also germinate, and no picking and subsequent planting will be required. By the end of the season the lawn will delight the eye, and by the next year the plants can be distributed to neighbors.