Swollen nipples

Any changes in our body are always alarming, and sometimes even scare. For example, if, against the background of the general well-being, the chest suddenly swells up and the nipples ache, while also swollen, the situation will puzzle anyone. Let's find out whether to panic in such a situation and when urgent medical attention is required.

Why do women swell and hurt their nipples?

In different age periods, this problem can have different causes. Sometimes they are completely harmless, but it happens that when the nipples swell and hurt - this is a sure sign of a serious illness that begins when an experienced specialist is required to consult.

As a rule, all changes in the mammary gland are somehow connected with the sex hormones of a woman. If the swollen nipples take place in a teenage girl, then this is quite normal, absolutely not requiring outside interference.

Swelling at the same time is accompanied by mild pain in the increasing maiden's breast, which can be intensified by her trauma - squeezing, impact. Therefore, during this period, as however, and always, the future woman should be careful and careful to treat her body. In second place after the puberty period - pregnancy. This is also a natural process, when the breast becomes swollen and painful now. Often this state becomes the very first of the manifested signs of an interesting situation, because it can occur even before the delay, when the test shows two treasured strips.

The intake of some hormonal drugs, which include contraceptives, too, in the first few months can cause such changes in the breast as its engorgement and increase in size. In addition, there are women who react in a similar way to some other drugs and this in this case is an allergic reaction, often requiring the withdrawal of the prescribed drug.

The jump in weight in the big party, especially if it occurred dramatically, for no apparent reason, can affect the chest. Most often, the same hormones are guilty of this, and therefore, without consulting an experienced gynecologist, an endocrinologist can not do.

Why nipples in men?

Unpleasant changes in the mammary gland can take place not only in women, but also in men. This often occurs in adolescence, when hormones are raging, which have not yet acquired the percentage that is identified with the male body. This is a normal phenomenon, which in time must pass, although it can cause some rumors from others.

But what to do if the nipples have swelled in the guy and they do not grow smaller by the age of 18-20, or even increase in size. Most likely, there is a disease of gynecomastia with the predominance of female sex hormones. It is successfully treated if all the prescriptions of the doctor are observed.

Why do babies have nipples?

Sometimes mummy can notice that one of the nipples in a newborn is swollen, and after a while another one joins it, although they can have different sizes. Again, it is the hormones that are to blame, but not the baby, but the mothers who got it in utero. A baby can be of any gender - it does not matter.

How to remove female hormones from the body of a child - often asked by the doctor concerned mother. But it turns out that you do not need to do anything with it, everything will be normal with time. Although there are doctors (especially old hardening), which appoint to apply to the baby baby camphor oil and a warm diaper.

And you can simply do nothing, because in a couple of months everything will fall into place and the swollen nipples will become, as before. But if the mother somehow wants to help the baby and at the same time calm herself, then you can regularly apply to the nipples of the baby cabbage leaf - there will be no harm from it and, perhaps, it will help to get back to normal.