Nephritic syndrome - what to do to avoid complications?

Nephritic syndrome is a whole complex of specific symptoms and signs that indicate an inflammatory process in the kidneys. It is more often diagnosed in patients with glomerulonephritis. In time, the revealed pathology allows timely start of medical therapy and avoid serious consequences.

What is the difference between a nephrotic syndrome and a nephritic syndrome?

Some patients do not see a fundamental difference between these two symptom-complexes, but there are differences. Jade is inflammation of the kidneys, and nephrosis is their defeat. The latter has a more extensive manifestation. Nephrosis can include both mild inflammation in the kidneys and their death. These syndromes are significantly different. The difference is manifested in the causes and mechanisms of the development of ailments.

Nephritic and nephrotic syndrome of difference have such:

  1. Area of ​​defeat. In nephritis, pathological phenomena are concentrated in the renal glomeruli. These areas become inflamed, as a result, the fluid is trapped in the body. In nephros, an increase in protein-lipid compounds in the cells of the epithelium is observed. As a result, there is a violation of metabolic processes.
  2. Change in blood composition. With nephrotic syndrome, the concentration of albumin in a vital fluid decreases. In addition, blood coagulability increases.
  3. Hematuria. The nephritic syndrome is accompanied by the presence of red blood cells in the urine. This, in fact, the main sign of this pathological condition.

If we consider how the nephrotic syndrome and nephritic syndrome differ, the difference between them manifests itself in the intensity of the development of the disease. In the first case, the disease has a rapid move, quickly gaining momentum and may soon lead to a kidney crisis. In the second variant, the symptoms of the disease manifest only after 1-2 weeks after the impact of the causative factor on the body.

Nephritic syndrome - the pathogenesis of its main manifestations

The causes of this pathological condition are very diverse. Given the pathogenesis of these types of syndrome:

Nephritic syndrome pathogenesis has this:

In addition, this syndrome has the following forms:

Acute nephritic syndrome

This form of the disease is manifested by severe deformation of the glomerular apparatus tissues. In addition, acute nephritic syndrome is characterized by rapid rates of development. All its symptoms can be conditionally divided into classical and nonspecific. To the first group of signs, which acute nephritic syndrome characterize, can be attributed:

For acute nephritic syndrome such nonspecific symptoms are characteristic:

Chronic nephritic syndrome

In fact, this is the result of a negligent attitude toward one's health. If the acute nephritic pathology does not seek medical help, the ailment will pass into a chronic form. Fighting disease at this stage is much more difficult than at the initial stage. In the chronic form of the disease, the doctor will not only have to eliminate this pathological condition, but also "clean up" its consequences. For this reason, when the first clearly manifested sign that characterizes the nephritic syndrome begins to appear, is a urinary sediment, you need to go to a doctor. Procrastination is life-threatening!

Nephritic syndrome - diagnosis

Before choosing a method of treatment, the doctor will prescribe to the patient a laboratory and instrumental examination. Nephrotic and nephritic syndrome differential diagnosis can confirm. It includes such manipulations:

Nephritic syndrome - urinalysis

Because of the reduced filtration of the kidneys, oliguria is noted (the amount of fluid withdrawn is reduced to 0.5 liters per day). At the same time, the density of urine increases. In addition, if there is a suspicion of nephrotic and nephritic syndrome, a high protein content is observed in the fluid withdrawn from the body. In the first days of the disease, this indicator can be 40-90 g / l.

Also, to confirm the nephritic nephritic urinary syndrome, the patient may be assigned such laboratory urine tests:

Nephritic syndrome - treatment

Therapy is carried out in a hospital, so the doctor can monitor the situation. The nephritic syndrome is curable, and the earlier the patient goes to the hospital, the easier and faster the healing process will be. Medication correction is simultaneously carried out in the following directions:

Nephritic urinary syndrome is treated with such medication:

  1. Antibiotics (Erythromycin, Cephalosporin or Penicillin) are used to combat the pathogens of the disease.
  2. To improve the microflora of the digestive tract, prescribe probiotics (Hilak forte, Acipol, Bifidumbacterin).
  3. To suppress the autoimmune process, glucocorticosteroids (more often Prednisolone) are used.
  4. Increase the body's resistance to infectious agents is helped by immunostimulants (Cytovir, Immunal).
  5. To reduce edema, diuretics are used (Hypothiazide, Trigrim, Furosemide).
  6. Strengthen the body with vitamin complexes (Vitrum, Selmevit).

Nephritic syndrome in diabetes mellitus

In time, the detected pathology is easier to treat. If after the diagnostic procedures confirmed urinary syndrome in diabetes, therapy is carried out according to a special scheme. Treatment in this case includes the following aspects:

  1. Normalization of the glucose in the blood.
  2. Taking control of hypertension.
  3. Normalization of cholesterol.
  4. Therapy with the appointment of Sulodexide (twice a year).

Nephritic syndrome with glomerulonephritis

In the fight against this disease, drug therapy is combined with non-drug treatment. The latter includes compliance with the regime and a special nutrition program. The urinary syndrome with glomerulonephritis can be defeated if one adheres to such a diet:

  1. Reduce the amount of fluid consumed.
  2. Exclude from the diet of spicy dishes, spices, alcohol, coffee and strong tea.
  3. Minimize the consumption of salt.