Ganglionic gymnastics

Ginger gymnastics is a great way to develop your muscles, using for this purpose only such a simple and inexpensive projectile as dumbbells. Many athletes began with this. Despite the fact that such exercises are very popular among men, rather than among women, the beautiful half of humanity also will not prevent to strengthen their muscles. There are various systems - for example, dumbbell exercises Sandova or Pustovoit. Consider the option offered by the last of the listed authors.

B.G. Pustovoyt: dumbbell exercises

Work on the system BG. Pustovoit is very convenient even for those who are interested in dumbbell exercises for beginners. He details the types and characteristics of dumbbells, the plan for food and exercise, and also applies a set of exercises.

Gangbang gymnastics at home should begin with the drawing up of a clear work plan. Classes without the system will not bring you absolutely no results, so this stage should be given special attention.

In the system Pustovoit, all exercises are formed into special complexes, which solve certain tasks. The first is the simplest, and the fifth is the most difficult, for the advanced. In any case, you have to go through them all.

After the third week of classes, you need to start increasing the number of repetitions for each exercise. For 8 months you will make 4 complexes, increasing the load in each new cycle.

Ganglion exercises: Exercises

As an example, consider a part of the exercises from the first cycle. This will help in general to well imagine how such a system works and what exactly needs to be done.

Exercise for muscles that bend fingers

In his hand is a tennis ball, it must be squeezed in one hand, or pick up 2 balls and compress them simultaneously. Make sure that breathing is even.

Exercise for anterior muscle groups of the forearm

Sitting on a chair, put forearms on the hips, brushes - slightly ahead of the knees, palms up. Raise your hands up, not lifting your forearms. Make sure that breathing is even.

Exercise for the posterior groups of forearm muscles

Sitting on a chair, put forearms on the hips, brushes - slightly ahead of the knees, palms down. Raise your hands up, not lifting your forearms. Make sure that breathing is even.

Gradually the complex becomes more complicated and more complex, and your muscles come into tone gradually, without tears and pains.