Synbiotics - list of drugs

Synbiotics are combined bacterial preparations containing prebiotics and probiotics. The innovative group of biopreparations is designed:

Why do we need synbiotics?

Thanks to the use of synbiotics, you can not only strengthen your health, but also solve many problems with the appearance: to improve the condition of the skin, hair, etc.

Indications for the use of drugs-synbiotics are:

List of preparations-synbiotics

Every year the list of synbiotic drugs is being replenished. Let's give the names of the most popular synbiotics and give them a brief description.

Biopreparation Maxilac

The popularity rating among the synbiotics for several years is headed by Maksilak. The preparation in the form of capsules produced in Poland contains 9 microorganism cultures and oligofructose useful for the human body. Synbiotic Maxillac is effective for many disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, and, in addition, has a positive effect on the state of the respiratory and immune system.

Biological product Lactile

Among the best preparations-synbiotics invariably includes Lactiale (Great Britain). By the number of useful crops, he is slightly inferior to Maxilak: in the composition of Lactiale 7 species of lyophilized microorganisms. Thanks to the reception of the biopreparation, it is possible to eliminate the pathogenic microflora, while simultaneously bringing the immune and nervous system back to normal. Lactiale has two forms of release: in the form of capsules and sachets with powder for breeding.

Biopharmaceutical Bifilysis

The preparation of Russian production Bifiliz contains in the composition lysozyme and bifidobacteria. The synbiotic is used to eliminate intestinal infections, inflammations in the digestive tract and a number of gynecological disorders. Bifilysis is available in the form of a solution, as well as rectal and vaginal suppositories.

Biological product Normspectrum

Normospectrum (Russia) contains a complex of bifidobacteria, probiotics, microelements, minerals and lactobacilli, necessary for normal functioning of the body. Substances that make up the biopreparation help in the fight against many pathogenic microorganisms, including those that cause rotavirus infection.

Well-proven and other drugs-synbiotics. Among popular it is necessary to note: