The Hong Kong flu - what to expect from a virus and how to cope with it?

The first epidemic of type A (H3N2) virus occurred in 1968 in the southern provinces of China. He provoked a large-scale pandemic in the whole country and in the surrounding territories, killing about a million lives. This season the modified subspecies of this disease extends - A / Hong Kong / 4801/2014.

The incubation period of the Hong Kong flu

From the moment of penetration of pathogenic cells into a healthy organism and before the appearance of the first signs of pathology, 1-2 days pass. During this time, the H3N2 flu multiplies and spreads through the body with the help of lymph and blood flow. When viral cells reach high concentrations, the products of their vital activity poison the body, provoking manifestations of intoxication.

Hong Kong Flu Symptoms

The clinical picture of the disease in question is no different from other strains of pathology. In people at risk, which includes children, the elderly, people with chronic ailments or immunodeficiencies, the H3N2 flu is especially bad - the symptoms of the disease are very pronounced, often escalating into complications. To effectively stop them, it is important to recognize the virus infection in time.

The first signs of the Hong Kong flu

Even in the early stages, the disease debuts very clearly, which allows it to be diagnosed immediately. The Hong Kong flu begins with a feeling of weakness, malaise and headache. On the same day, the body temperature rises sharply, reaching a value of 39 degrees, a person suffers from fever and heat. Other typical signs of the Hong Kong flu:

How is the Hong Kong flu?

The subsequent development and spread of pathogenic cells through the body provokes respiratory disorders. The progressing virus of the Hong Kong flu is caused by the following symptoms:

The peculiarity that distinguishes the Hong Kong flu is that the temperature does not go down for 3-4 days or normalizes for a short period of time. Such a strong heat can lead to severe dehydration and disruption of the water-salt balance in the body. In some people, the Hong Kong flu is accompanied by digestive disorders:

What is dangerous about Hong Kong flu?

Relief of the condition with the described viral infection should occur 3-5 days after the onset of the disease. Complete recovery is observed after 7-10 days. If the patient does not feel better, it is necessary to visit the therapist and find out what consequences the Hong Kong flu provoked - the complications inherent in this pathology:

Than to treat the Hong Kong flu?

Standard therapy for any acute respiratory viral infections includes:

The Hong Kong flu treatment assumes identical, the immune system of an adult and healthy person is able to cope with the pathology on its own within a week. The increase in body temperature indicates the activation of the body's defenses and the fight against the virus, so it is not advisable to knock down the heat until the column of the thermometer exceeds the 38.5 mark. If the patient is in one of the risk groups, then a qualified therapist will tell you how to treat H3N2 flu. Appointing medicines without consulting a doctor is dangerous and fraught with serious complications.

Drugs from the Hong Kong flu

Viral infections are often accompanied by unpleasant respiratory symptoms. To ease the Hong Kong flu will require symptomatic treatment. The most popular are combined anti-inflammatory and antipyretic medicines:

In the early stages with pain in the throat are suitable:

Cough is well helped:

With a cold, doctors recommend:

To accelerate the recovery, you can additionally use:

In the pharmacy, it will not be possible to find a special medicine for the Hong Kong flu, but if the patient is at one of the risk groups, it is necessary to take an effective antiviral drug. There is a huge amount of such funds, but only a small part of them produces a proven therapeutic effect. Choose an appropriate medicine will help an experienced doctor.

Antiviral drugs from the Hong Kong flu

The type of the disease under consideration is A, so drugs should be selected with the appropriate spectrum of activity. It is important to start taking them from the time of the earliest manifestations of the disease, preferably in the first 48 hours. Effective antiviral from the Hong Kong flu:

Prevention of Hong Kong Flu

Among the population, non-specific rules for preventing the spread of the virus should be introduced. In order not to "catch" the Hong Kong H3N2 flu, it is necessary:

  1. Regularly wash your hands and wash your face, especially after returning home from the street, from public places.
  2. Isolate the patient if someone in the family has contracted Hong Kong flu. An infected person, when in contact with a healthy person, should wear a clean gauze or medical dressing, which must be replaced every 2 hours.
  3. It is full and balanced to eat, take vitamins, sleep.
  4. Systematically ventilate the premises, conduct wet cleaning using antiseptic solutions.
  5. Often moisturize the mucous membranes in the nose, lubricate the nostrils from the inside with oxolin ointment before going out to the street or visiting places with a large crowd of people.

What to drink for the prevention of Hong Kong flu?

The drug approach, which allows to prevent infection with the disease under consideration, assumes the use of antiviral or immunomodulating medications according to a special scheme. Effective drugs for the prevention of Hong Kong influenza:

Vaccination from Hong Kong influenza

Vaccination does not protect 100% even an absolutely healthy person, but significantly reduces the risk of infection. It can reduce the chances of infection by 70-80%, and if the Hong Kong flu enters the body, it will significantly ease its course and stop the symptoms. The introduction of a minimal dose of the virus "acquaints" the immune system with the described strain and stimulates it to work more actively. When pathogenic cells try to penetrate the mucous membranes, the protective mechanism will instantly work and the body will develop interferons to fight the disease.

To stop the Hong Kong influenza virus, the most modern vaccines are used:

Some people do not get vaccinated against viral infections because of fear of side effects and subsequent complications. According to medical data, even combined and strong vaccines do not provoke any serious adverse events. There is no proven case of the occurrence of anaphylactic shock or death from the introduction of a prophylactic solution, the more likely the lethal outcome is from the severe course and consequences of the flu.