Vitamins for bones

Everyone knows that the main vital microelement for bones is calcium . However, with one calcium our bones will not be "full". There are a lot of nuances and improvised means that help to absorb calcium, and also perform a lot of other functions to strengthen and nourish bone tissue. As a result, we call them all a group of vitamins for bones.

What happens when there is a shortage of vitamins?

The first sign of a lack of vitamins for bones and joints is the occurrence of osteoporosis in adults and rickets in children. Bones break for no reason, from slightest damage. Bone tissue becomes loose as a rotten tree, enamel of teeth weakens, teeth crumble, hair and nails become brittle. The reason is not only a lack of calcium, but also vitamin C (oddly enough). About what vitamins are needed for bones and what attitude to the bone tissue ascorbic acid has, read below.

Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins A and D

This group is responsible for the assimilation of calcium. No wonder the name of vitamin D is calciferol, which means, carrying calcium. It, together with vitamin A, phosphorus and magnesium participates and regulates the absorption of calcium in the intestine, and also supports it (and other minerals) deposition on the collagen fibers of bones.

Vitamin C

Since we are talking about collagen, let us remember who participates in its synthesis. It is through the formation of collagen ascorbic acid made to vitamins to strengthen bones. It helps to produce collagen, which not only is the environment for accumulating mineral salts, but also softens and damages the bone upon impact.

Vitamins of group B

In the list, what vitamins are needed for bones, you can not fail to mention this "gathering". B1, B2, B6 - for the nervous system, B2, B5, B12 - for hematopoiesis. The connection here is "underground": when these vitamins are short, the sensitivity of bone tissue is disturbed, its "communication" with the brain, because the nerve impulses must be transmitted through something. And vitamins for the circulatory system are needed for the formation of strong vessels and their stable work, which will allow to feed bone tissue continuously.


Now you can sum up all that you need to eat to saturate the body with vitamins for hair and bones:

List of drugs for bones: