House-Museum of Albert Einstein

The Swiss city of Bern at different times was home to many outstanding scientists, politicians, cultural figures and history. Among these people was well-known scientist, theoretical physicist Albert Einstein, who from 1902 to 1907, together with his wife Mileva Marich lived in Bern , working in the Patent Office as a technical expert and lecturing at a local university. In memory of his life in the city, local authorities decided to convert the house in which the scientist rented an apartment to the Albert Einstein House Museum.

Museum and exhibits

The exposition of the museum, telling about the life of the scientist, covers an area of ​​2 floors, and the excursion will be interesting to visitors of all ages, because in the Einstein House Museum in the capital of Switzerland you can see a lot of interesting things. So, already at the entrance to the museum, attention is drawn to the image of the Galaxy. On the second floor of the Albert Einstein House Museum, the interior was reconstructed, which was daily seen by a young scientist and his wife, it was here that the famous four articles of Einstein were written and published in the journal "Annals of Physics" and it was here, in Bern , the first-born scientist and Milena Marich. The scientist himself called the years lived in this house the happiest.

The third floor is of historical character: here you can get acquainted with the detailed biography of the genius and his scientific works. In addition to permanent exhibitions, documentary films in several languages ​​are shown in the Einstein House Museum in Bern, so that it is easier to deal with some of the scientist's works.

How to get there and when to visit?

You can get to the Einstein House Museum in Bern by buses with numbers 12, 30, M3, the stop is called "Rathaus". The museum works on the following schedule: Monday-Saturday from 10.00 to 17.00, in January the museum is closed. The entrance fee is 6 Swiss francs. In the museum you can use audio guide services.