Daily Protein Rate

Proteins (proteins), along with carbohydrates and fats, are an important component of the energy value of food. It is their use that allows you to maintain and increase muscle mass, so their calculation is very important for athletes and slimming. The limits of the total daily protein norm for a person are very blurred, so this figure is best calculated for yourself.

How to calculate the daily rate of protein?

Depending on the type of physique, physical exertion and many other factors, the protein requirement may be more or less than usual. There are many different ways to calculate the best for yourself option.

The easiest way to know your protein rate per day is to multiply your weight by a certain ratio. It is believed that a person with a sedentary lifestyle needs about 1 g of protein per day for each kilogram, those who have light physical activities - 1.5 grams, and athletes - all 2 grams. However, this rule can only be used by people who have a normal weight - not too small or too big.

The norm of protein intake per day

If you doubt whether your weight is normal, you can calculate the average "normal weight" for a person with your physique, and it is up to him to choose the daily need for protein.

Let's take the simplest Bork formula, which helps to determine the normal weight based on the growth:

  1. If your height is less than 165 cm: subtract from the height of 100.
  2. If your height is less than 175 cm: subtract from height 105.
  3. If your height is above 175 cm: subtract from the height of 110.

Proceeding from this formula, if you are a girl of 170 cm, then your normal weight for Bork is 170 - 105 = 65 kg. However, this formula suggests corrections, depending on the width of the bone. Measuring this indicator is very simple. Take the usual centimeter tape and measure the wrist circumference - in the place where the watch is usually worn.

Remember the result, and look at what type of physique you belong to:

The Borka index requires an amendment to the body type: normostenics leave the number as is, asthenics take away another 10%, and hypersthenics add 10%. Thus, depending on this indicator, a girl of 170 cm in height can have different weights:

This figure should be multiplied by the number of grammes of protein, laid at the rate of a person per day. For those who do not play sports and lead a sedentary lifestyle, this figure is 1-1.2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. So we get the daily protein norm, calculated individually.

Daily protein for an athlete

If you are interested in knowing which daily protein norm for those who are actively involved in sports, then the principle of calculation is the same, only the last factor is different - that is, the amount of protein needed for each kilogram of body weight.

Thus, the value of the normal mass obtained by the Bork formula (along with the correction for the type of physique) is multiplied by the appropriate coefficient:

Those. for a moderately sportive normostenic girl with a height of 170 and a normal weight of 65 kg (regardless of actual weight), the calculation will be as follows: 65 * 1.6 = 104 grams of protein per day.