Tulio Simoncini - cancer treatment with soda (recipe)

In recent times, cases of cancer have been more and more frequently recorded, and despite the development of medicine, oncology does not respond well to traditional methods. Therefore, many people who have faced a terrible diagnosis are turning to folk methods, many of which allow achieving effective results, making it easier for patients to get better or prolong their life. About one of the non-traditional methods of treating cancer with the help of soda, a recipe of which was proposed by the Italian doctor Tulio Simoncili, let's talk further.

The method of treating cancer with soda Tulio Simoncini

Immediately it should be noted that Tulio Simoncini, who specialized in oncology and metabolic disorders, was deprived of the rights of a doctor by official medicine. According to this scientist, malignant tumors are the result of active propagation in the body of fungus candida, which can not be controlled by the immune system when it is weakened. This, in turn, contradicts the traditional explanation of the nature of cancer, and therefore the theory of Simoncini, and the method of treatment for oncology he invented, were rejected by the official medical community.

Being confident that cancer is associated with candidiasis, Tulio Simoncini proposed a fairly simple and affordable way of treating it with the introduction of ordinary baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) into the body. The action of soda is that it neutralizes the oxidative processes and, passing in the cells, and creates an alkaline environment in the body that is unfavorable for fungi. Soda treatment is applicable and effective for patients of all age categories, but the size of the tumor should not exceed 3 cm. The inventor of the technique believes that it can be combined with other ways of fighting cancer, including conventional ones.

How to take soda on the treatment of cancer Tulio Simoncini?

Tulio Simoncini has developed several recipes for the application of soda, depending on the type and location of the tumor. For example:

There is also a universal recipe according to which in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before a meal, as well as at lunch and in the evening before a meal, you should take a fifth of a teaspoon of baking soda, diluted in a glass of warm water or milk.

In addition to taking soda, patients are advised to follow a healthy diet with an abundance of alkaline foods, consume plenty of fluids, and also believe in their own recovery.