How to take the "Liquid Chestnut" to lose weight?

The number of ways to lose weight, existing today, is huge. Despite this, the tandem of proper nutrition and regular exercise is still the most effective option. Many people want to get rid of excess weight quickly and without special restrictions, and therefore agree to the newfangled proposals in losing weight.

How to take the "Liquid Chestnut" to lose weight?

Manufacturers of this product assure that thanks to him, you can get rid of excess weight in a short period of time without much effort. Before you figure out how best to take the "Liquid Chestnut", we'll figure it out in its action on the body. In the advertisements of the miracle, the tool tells about the following effects:

  1. There is an increase in the rate of metabolism and energy consumption, and this, in turn, contributes to the splitting of fatty deposits.
  2. It reduces appetite and improves the digestive system.
  3. Activates the process of cleaning the body of accumulated toxins and toxins.
  4. Increases the endurance of the body, which is especially important for people involved in sports.

It is important to note that this information has no official confirmation and is only an opinion offered by the manufacturers of the facility.

Now we'll figure out how to take the "Liquid Chestnut" to get a good result. Sell ​​this tool in powder form and recommend manufacturers to use it as a food supplement. It is dissolved in a liquid, for example, in juice, plain water, tea, and the like. In addition, the powder can be placed in the first dishes or in liquid porridges.

The recipe for cooking "Liquid Chestnut" for weight loss is very simple: take 1 tbsp. of the selected liquid and dissolve in it 0.5 parts of a spoonful of powder. This drink should be drunk twice a day. Exceed the dose is prohibited, as this can cause side effects: insomnia , atherosclerosis, increased blood pressure and the appearance of problems with the nervous system.

It is important to know not only how to take the "Liquid Chestnut" slimming remedy, but also to understand its composition. In the instructions to the add-on, you can read that the composition includes such components:

  1. Theophylline - the substance is similar in action to caffeine.
  2. Theobromine - promotes the use of energy reserves.
  3. Guaranin is a substance that is considered a relative of caffeine.
  4. Numerous vitamins, minerals and other useful substances that contribute to the cleansing of the body.

There is no official confirmation of the actions of these components at the moment.