How to sleep properly?

Once a Swiss zoologist P.Hodiger went on an expedition to find out how much time is spent on sleeping and resting various animals. Contrary to popular belief about the drowsiness of a sloth, it turned out that the biggest sleepers are lions. They dry out for 20 hours in a row, but the laziness mentioned above is only 15. Most rodents sleep up to 10-12 hours a day, and giants are an elephant and a giraffe up to just 4. Well, what about people? A person spends 8-10 hours in a dream, which means at least a third of his life. And, if our lesser brothers for productive rest are enough for a secluded mink or a hard-to-reach twig, then give us comfort according to all the rules of the genre. Let's talk about how and on which side to sleep properly, to sleep, in which position and on which pillow you need to sleep pregnant or with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and what is generally considered in us, people, the criterion for normal sleep.

How to sleep properly, on your side or on your back?

First let's deal with the poses. According to representatives of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and European countries, not every body position is suitable for effective sleep and rest. How do you need to sleep so it's right? In this matter, the physiology of our spine and cardiovascular system is taxing. To sleep it is necessary so that all muscles are completely relaxed, and the vessels are not squashed. 100% of these conditions are answered by the pose "lying on your back". Doctors call it the most correct and optimal, because the spine in this case is really completely relaxed, and the blood circulates freely through the body, saturating every cell with oxygen.

On the second place among the poses allowed by physicians is the position of the body on the side. With the right selection of bedding, mattress and pillow, it is quite possible to relax well and effectively rest. That's just on which side to sleep properly, on the left or on the right, doctors have not agreed. But, probably, this is already a private matter for everyone.

And, at the end, absolutely unacceptable position - this position on the stomach. Firstly, there can not be any relaxation of muscles here. After all, the spine is simply twisted in this case. Secondly, this posture leads not only to a headache in the morning, but also to the development of osteochondrosis and scoliosis, as well as to the risk of heart failure due to the transmission of the cervical arteries.

And how to sleep properly, on the pillow or without it?

This is another controversial issue, a discussion in which the representatives of modern medicine and the esculopes of the Soviet hardening are leading each other. The first claim that a pillow is needed, and the last bend, which is not. And yet, how to sleep properly, on the pillow or without it? Well, of course, on the pillow, especially if you have a stooping back and broad shoulders. Only this bedding must be properly selected. The most acceptable option is an orthopedic pillow that takes the contours of your body. But in this case there are some nuances. The height of the pillow should be equal to the width of your shoulder. Otherwise, the neck will flex in a dream, which in turn will lead to a disruption in the blood supply to the brain and headache after awakening. But if the orthopedic pillow is too expensive for you, do not get discouraged. With an individual approach and the usual feather is quite suitable.

How to sleep properly with pregnant women and with osteochondrosis?

Here again we will be guided by medical prescriptions. After all, pregnancy, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system require close monitoring of doctors. So, how to sleep properly for pregnant women? The best posture for expectant mothers is lying on her side. So the spine and internal organs are least loaded. On the back, despite all the correctness of this situation, pregnant women can not sleep categorically, as well as on the stomach. In the first case, the load on the internal organs of the abdominal cavity increases and, as a consequence, their blood supply is disturbed. And this harms the baby, depriving him of enough oxygen and nutrition. In the latter - you can just crush the child.

But people with scoliosis and other diseases of the spine should sleep better on their backs. Well, for pregnant women, and for opornikov the best bedding will be an orthopedic mattress of medium softness and an individually selected pillow. And no wooden shields or fluffy featherbeds.

These simple rules exist for a full human sleep. Stick to them, and you will always feel cheerful and rested.