The chicken, born without eyes, managed to find friends!

The story of a chicken who managed to prove that no physical mutilation is a hindrance to a full life.

When the grandfather brought back a batch of eggs for the farming of the Rebecca Cummings farm, she did not suspect that one of them would change her life! Then a fluffy lump without eyes appeared among the whole brood of hatched chickens only. Through the social network the girl was looking for support and practical advice, but the answer was categorical - cull and do not cause the chick of suffering. However, these words motivated Rebecca not only to fight for the life of the chicken, but also to become a real friend to all people with disabilities, giving joy, faith and positive.

Even today the chicken, or rather the chicken named Mumble, celebrated its first birthday. She has her own Facebook page with 33,000 subscribers, and Mumble likes to listen to ladies' novels, to visit the hostess for driving lessons, to ride on swings, to savor popcorn and hugs with all the inhabitants of the farm!

Rebecca decided not to reject the chicken without eyes, and give him a short but full life!

Mumble is grateful to the hostess for her daily care.

Each girl should have her own pink dishes ...

... and a beautiful necklace!

Talk to friends heart to heart - can there be anything better?

In warm and furry embraces ... plush.

With a real friend, you can keep silent and ...

Beauty does not happen much!

Mmm ... Popcorn!

My first birthday cake!

Hey guys, no meincraft is on my birthday!

Mistress, and in what chapter did we stop?

Pip, let's race with the wind?

The main thing in life is balance!

Leo, what are your plans for today?

Looks like we're stuck in traffic ...

Diego, I checked everything. There are no mice on the farm!

Hugs with Maddi are your favorite!

Oh, with the addition of me!

And let the whole world wait!

Maddy, it looks like it's popular!

Darling, hurry ...