Purulent otitis media

We are used to any ear pain called otitis, but this is far from the case. In fact, purulent otitis is an inflammation of the epithelium of the mucous tissues of the airways of the middle ear. Serious illness requires a competent approach to treatment in order to avoid unpleasant complications, such as hearing loss or meningitis.

Causes of purulent otitis media of the middle ear

Acute purulent otitis does not appear in a child who has dirty water in his ear. The causes of this disease are mostly internal:

When the organism has a low resistance to infections, it can even cause an improper blowing up of the otitis, as a result of which pathogenic microbes through the auditory tube fall into the middle ear region. Also, virus-infecting agents can get into the ear with injuries and injuries to the tympanic membrane. Children can cause otitis can even undelete adenoids.

If the disease is not treated, it runs the risk of overflowing into chronic purulent otitis, and then any draft can cause repeated suppuration in any of the middle ear - the drum cavity, the nipple process and the auditory tube.

The main symptoms of purulent otitis media

There are several signs that help determine if you have acute purulent otitis, and not another hearing disorder. But the main symptoms in various diseases of the field of otolaryngology usually coincide. Symptoms of otitis media:

These signs are characteristic for the initial stage of the disease, when the inflammation becomes the cause of extensive suppuration. Usually this process lasts 2-3 days. Further, acute purulent otitis media of the middle ear passes into the phase of perforated damage to the tympanic membrane , as a result of which pus through the resulting hole in the membrane flows out of the ear cavity outward, and the patient achieves significant relief, pain decreases. The third stage is final, the body fights the infection, the inflammation gradually decreases, pus ceases to stand out, the tympanic membrane restores integrity.

Than to treat a purulent otitis?

Treatment of purulent otitis primarily aims to eliminate the microorganisms that caused the inflammatory process. Most often this is one of the types of staphylococcus, streptococcus, or causative agents of cold and flu. Usually, the body is able to cope with these types of microbes alone, so in the initial stage of the disease it makes sense to take medications that restore immunity, use a multivitamin complex and restorative means.

To combat high fever, you can take Aspirin, Paracetamol, and other well-known to all of us medicines.

In the nose it is recommended to instill vasoconstrictive drops - Naphthysine, Nazol and the like. This is necessary to ensure that new bacteria from the nasopharynx do not enter the auditory canal.

You can also use special drops with purulent otitis:

All these drugs are good at the first stage of the disease. A mandatory condition is also a bed rest with a light diet. In severe cases, hospitalization may be required.

If the disease progresses rapidly, it is likely that the body will cope with it without the additional use of antibiotics. Otherwise, it is advisable to use one of the following drugs:

They can be used in the form of tablets, or as intramuscular injections.