What if my stomach hurts with menstruation?

Such a phenomenon as painful menstrual discharge is known to many women. However, not all ladies give it value, preferring to ease the pain by taking antispasmodics. Let's take a more detailed look at this phenomenon and will dwell in detail on what to do for a young girl, if the belly is hurting with a month.

Because of what can marked painful periods?

Before performing any actions, doctors suggest determining the cause of this phenomenon. It is almost impossible for a woman to do this herself. Therefore, the only sure way out of the situation, is an appeal to a gynecologist for advice. The most common cause of soreness in menstruation is the physiological feature of this process.

The thing is that during menstruation there is an increase in the concentration in the body of a prostaglandin woman. This biological substance contributes to increasing the contractility of the walls of blood vessels located in such a reproductive organ as the uterus. As a result, spasm occurs not only the vessels themselves, but also the smooth muscles of the uterus, which is expressed by the intensification of the contractile activity of this organ. Actually, this phenomenon leads to the appearance of soreness in the lower third of the abdomen.

What to do when the stomach is very bad during the months and what to drink?

The answer to this question is of interest to many women. In most similar situations, taking spasmodic medications (No-shpa, Papaverin, Spazmalgon) does not solve this situation completely, and after a short time soreness appears again.

The exit from this position can be the reception of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, an example of which may be Ibuprofen, Naproksen, Ketoprofen. However, before using them, it is better to consult a doctor.

But not always the reason for the appearance of painful sensations during critical days is an increase in the concentration of prostaglandin in the blood. In order to try to eliminate them on your own and get rid of the attendant unpleasant phenomena, it is enough for a woman to observe the following rules:

  1. The intake of vitamin E these days at a dosage of 300 mg per day will not only reduce soreness in the lower abdomen, but also prevent the appearance of pain in the mammary glands, which is not uncommon in menstruation.
  2. To reduce the uterine tone, doctors recommend consuming more magnesium, both in the vitamin complexes, and with food. Many such trace elements are found in the following products: eggs, milk, green vegetables, fish.
  3. To reduce swelling, which is also often observed with menstruation, it is necessary to consume more potassium.
  4. It is not superfluous to take vitamins of group B, in particular B6, during menstrual bleeding. It is he, acting on estrogens, leads to the normalization of the hormonal background.
  5. Talking about what to do to a woman, if during the monthly pains the stomach, it is necessary to mention the need to increase the motor activity in these days. To do this, it is enough to perform one simple stretching exercise: take the blanket, download it into the roller, and lie on it so that it is located along the spinal column. Legs bend at the knees and dilute them so that the feet are joined. This exercise helps stretch the muscles of the thighs, which in turn has a reflex effect on the segment of the spinal cord, because of which there is irritation of the uterus.

Thus, in order to know what you can drink, if the stomach hurts with menstruation, a woman should consult a doctor. The thing is that such a symptomatology can be a manifestation of a gynecological disorder, which, in turn, requires quite different medications.