What is degradation?

The usual answer to the question, what is the degradation of the individual , which official science gives, is reduced to the loss of the basic abilities of the person to active thinking, the general decline in the basic indicators of social interaction and efficiency, and also the inability to make an adequate assessment of one's behavior with respect to moral, ethical and moral norms. In other words, the process of the development of the personality is reversed and the person subjected to this regress is much more inclined to follow the call of the basic instincts than to live according to the canons established in society aimed at compromising the coexistence of individuals and going against the desire to receive from life only pleasure, own selfishness.

Signs of degradation are mainly manifested in adulthood, often being one of the manifestations of senile dementia, but quite often they can be observed in middle-aged people who have undergone a great deal of stress or who have been under the yoke of negative attitudes from others for a long time. In such cases, a person, believing in his insignificance, loses the desire for further intellectual and spiritual self-development, and the accompanying depression, usually only aggravates the situation. There comes an acute phase of social degradation, when a single representative of the society feels like an outcast and suffers from a constant sense of loneliness, can easily enter a state of psychological and personal self-destruction.

The main causes of degradation

However, the reasons underlying the moral or moral degradation of a person can be hidden not only in his social and social relationships. Alcohol and drug addiction is a straight path, laid out by wide concrete slabs, inevitably leading to the door with the inscription "Stairs down". People with similar problems usually lose their sense of guilt and the ability to adequately assess their condition, and at a certain phase of the disease, there is a decrease in the degree of emotional response to occurring events, leading to an actively growing degeneration of self-awareness. And moral degradation of the person in such cases can reach that dangerous line when this representative of a society can start to pose a direct threat to the rest of its members. For the next dose of the drug, he is capable of committing crimes, including even the most serious ones, and at the same time his own mind will consider this to be absolutely justified. Produced, so-called, the substitution of values, in which the palm of primacy is given to pleasure, and the fear of the inevitable painful sensations that arise if the alcohol or drug substance at the right time and in the necessary quantity does not enter the body, completely obscures the mind , making it difficult to adequately assess their actions.

Where is the exit?

The only way to avoid regress in the evolution of the individual is constant self-improvement, both intellectually and spiritually. For someone, in the literal sense of the word, a life-saving circle may turn out to be a religion that answers many questions and is able to indicate the further path and ways of developing oneself as a person. For others, a strong motivation not to roll back is the desire to challenge society and rise to higher levels of the social ladder. But anyway, a clear, conscious impulse, which orders us to develop further, our mind will automatically perceive as something not tolerating controversy and all mechanisms capable of preventing intellectual and spiritual degradation of a person will immediately turn into work.

Unfortunately, we are all just separate drops in the vast ocean of modern society, which is currently experiencing a difficult period of crisis and, as a consequence, moral and ethical and cultural degradation. However, mankind has more than once passed through such difficult stages of its development and the principle of feedback always worked. In other words, "You want to change the world - start with yourself." When some members of society begin to try to solve the problems of moral and spiritual regression, sooner or later it inevitably leads to a change of priorities in the social consciousness and humanity as a species gets a good chance of development. In any case, you need to start with yourself and who knows, maybe the world outside the window will soon become completely different?