The Decembrist does not blossom - what to do?

The Christmas cactus, he's a slumberberger , he's a Decembrist - these are the names of the same flower, also known as the zigokaktus. It is a beautifully flowering indoor plant that adorns our houses in the winter season, when many flowers are at rest. Therefore, it becomes very sad when the zigokaktus for some reason stops its flowering. Let's find out why the Decembrist does not blossom and what it takes to awaken this plant.

Do not bloom Decembrist - reasons

The reasons for this may be:

  1. Lack of nutrients. The flower is very attached to seasonal changes, and at different times it needs appropriate types of feeding. If this is not given to the plant, then it will grow quite normally, but there will be no flowering.
  2. Insufficient illumination and, conversely, excessively bright sunlight are equally unfavorable for flowering sloopbergermers.
  3. Insufficient watering in the summer.
  4. Lack of transplantation for a long time.
  5. The pot is too big.
  6. The change of the place or even the turning of the pot can also adversely affect the flowering of the plant.

The flower of the Decembrist - how to make it bloom?

For blossoming the Decembrist, moderate illumination is important. For example, the north window will be a great place for him. It is important to provide the plant with a natural light day. In winter, the light does not need lighting, because the reduction of daylight for the flower is a signal to tie the buds.

At a high temperature in winter (above 25 ° C), a Decembrist may not bloom or discard all buds. In a cold room (+ 10 ° C and below), the buds on the plant will also not become tied. Therefore, if possible, try to keep the flower in a cool room at an optimum temperature of 16-20 ° C. It is especially important to do this in the autumn period, when buds are laid at the Decembrist.

In summer the watering of the Decembrist should be intense in comparison with the winter months. Water it with warm water. However, do not allow the stagnation of water, water should only be after the drying of the soil in the pot. In September, the watering of the zigokaktusa should be reduced, and in October - generally reduced to a minimum.

To transplant a slumberberger it is necessary in two or three years into a pot, the size of which slightly exceeds the previous one. Sometimes inexperienced growers, after transplanting a slumberberger into a large pot, are surprised: why the Decembrist ceased to blossom? It turns out that in a too large pot all the forces of the plant will go to build up the green mass, and there will be no more flowers to blossom.

Before transplanting, the plant is taken out of the ground, its root system is inspected and all the damaged outlets are removed. Then, the roots are washed in warm water and dried. At the bottom of the pot is a layer of drainage (claydite, broken brick, charcoal). A mixture of river sand, turf and small bricks is filled, into which the Decembrist landed. Earth mixture for zigokaktusa can be purchased and ready. After transplanting, the plant should not be watered for 3-5 days, but it can be sprayed with water. Correctly transplanted to the locomber will soon be happy again with its beautiful flowering.

Many are interested in what can be fed the Decembrist, so that it blossoms. To activate the growth of plants in the spring one or two times to feed it with nitrogen fertilizer. In autumn, before the rest period, all the feeding stops. And during the flowering of the Decembrist you can feed up any fertilizer, which contains no nitrogen.

At the appearance of the first buds, it is strictly forbidden to rearrange the pot from the flower to another place, and even turn the container around its axis is not necessary: ​​this can lead to the fact that the plant will drop both flowers and buds.

Be sure to tear off the faded buds, this will only improve the flowering of the Decembrist .