Diet for joint arthritis

A diet for arthritis of joints of any type is an integral part of the treatment, it can be more or less strict depending on the degree of neglect of the disease. There are general rules regarding the daily eating habits of arthritis patients, but there are also separate recommendations regarding the specific types of this ailment.

With any form of arthritis, the patient should sharply reduce the consumption of salt of spicy food, increase the amount of drinking water, as well as other liquids - juices, fruit drinks, herbal decoctions. Meals during the day should be at least 6-ти. Absolutely to exclude from a diet follows coffee and usual tea, replacements in its grassy, ​​without the maintenance of caffeine, honey and desserts on the basis of cocoa beans, fatty dishes and confectionery products, a butter , a liver of a cod, chips, fried potatoes. All these products lead to edema and pain. The basic components of the menu should be fish, nuts, fruits, especially apples that have a good diuretic effect, legumes, broccoli, whole cereals, whole milk products.

Diet for arthritis of the knee joint

The peculiarities of nutrition with this form of arthritis are the following:

Diet for arthritis of the foot joints

The main rule of nutrition for this form of the disease: a moderate amount of calories. To reduce the burden on the affected joint, you have to carefully monitor your weight, which means that no high-calorie foods in the diet should not be, with the exception of fatty fish. Alcohol and other alcohol-containing foods are completely excluded from the diet.

Arthritis arthritis

The menu absolutely should not have a nightshade, which can increase the risk of pain. Smoked and canned foods containing large amounts of table salt are not allowed.

Diet for arthritis of the joints of the fingers

You should maximize the number of foods rich in calcium, as well as additionally take special vitamin complexes with his participation. Also, the diet should certainly be seafood and fish - sources of omega-3, this substance reduces the risk of pain and exacerbation of the disease.