How to lose weight with green coffee?

Today, when the Internet is full of articles about the fact that ordinary green coffee helps to lose weight, many girls decided to try this miracle on themselves. However, not all this product is suitable - and this is due primarily to its specific taste, which has nothing to do with the fragrant, invigorating drink to which we are accustomed. However, in return for the smell and taste of green coffee offers us to accelerate the disappearance of kilograms - and for this you can tolerate.

Can I lose weight from green coffee?

Green coffee is the same coffee that we always drink, but only before the roasting process. It is during processing that coffee beans receive the color, aroma, and taste, which the Europeans like so much.

If you still doubt whether you can lose weight from green coffee, then you definitely need to find out what is the basis of its action. It contains chlorogenic acid, which suffers from roasting. It interferes with carbohydrate metabolism and causes the body to do the first thing not to consume the energy received from food, but to spend fatty deposits. However, if carbohydrates and fats in the diet are many, then this one is not enough for losing weight. That is why green coffee is effective only when combined with the right diet, with which there are few fats and simple carbohydrates.

Green coffee: how fast to lose weight?

If you decide to use green coffee as an ally in losing weight, to begin with, adjust your diet.

Refuse to have these products:

  1. All fatty: sausage sausages, pork, lamb, chicken and turkey (except for breast), fatty fish, canned food, sauces - mynez, ketchup, fat cheeses, fatty dairy products.
  2. All sweet: cakes, chocolate, dried fruits, sweets, pastries, buns, etc. except fresh fruits (except bananas and grapes).
  3. All flour: dumplings, pasta, bread, bakery products, pancakes , etc.

This will be enough to start the process of losing weight. Consider the approximate diet:

  1. Breakfast: any cereal except for semolina, fruit, a cup of green coffee.
  2. Lunch: light soup (without fat meat, pasta and potatoes), a cup of green coffee.
  3. Snack: one boiled egg or a glass of kefir, a cup of green coffee.
  4. Dinner: any cabbage (sea, white, red, broccoli, colored, Brussels) and meat / poultry / fish.

Knowing how to lose weight with green coffee, you will not tolerate annoying mistakes and consider that this product is useless. In the evening, coffee should not be drunk, it provokes problems with falling asleep.