Deposit and ability

Conscious parents, caring about the future of their children, are concerned about the discovery and purposeful development of their talents and abilities. Because of the timeliness and correctness of actions in this direction depends the life path of the individual. First you need to understand the difference between them.

Abilities are the level of potential for solving problems of varying complexity. A person is considered capable when he successfully and quickly takes over some kind of activity and at the same time has a high quality of achievements. The absence of any ability can be filled up by the intensified development of others, or by the exertion of strength, persistent labor and perseverance.

Deposit is a certain foundation laid by nature, predisposition, which is often transmitted with parental genes. Man's deposit is the biological basis of his abilities. Each person from his birth is endowed with some of them. There are 2 types of makings: acquired (social) and congenital (natural). On the basis of the same internal potentials, different people can have a variety of abilities, possibly also simultaneous occurrence of several abilities at once or none. Their evolution takes place in a certain way.

Three-level scheme of development of abilities

There are three stages in the development of abilities: genius, giftedness, talent:

  1. A person endowed with giftedness has the inclinations and abilities to various types of communication and activity. It is distinguished by a wide range of intellectual capabilities, a unique communication and a high degree of development of activities. Giftedness is a high level of manifestation of abilities, which determines the successful implementation of activities. It is at the initial stage of development of abilities. Giftedness has many children at the beginning of their development due to individual inclinations and peculiarities.
  2. The next stage of expressiveness of abilities is called talent. Talent is a special combination of abilities that allows a person to perform an original and independent task on his own. He appears in a certain occupation and usually awakens and develops in those children who are actively learning and are engaged in activities that promote its disclosure. When the talents of the person in talent are combined with inclinations, the child has the impulse to continue to move in the direction where he is successful. But this may not happen, and this gift is unclaimed by the person himself or by the social situation.
  3. With the subsequent development of talent genius, the highest degree of manifestation of abilities arises. It creates prerequisites for achieving results that open a new era in culture and science.

There are many talented people in various fields of activity, where they realize themselves, and a brilliant person is a big rarity. Only units reach the highest level of their development, so it is important to identify talent sooner, in order to continue special education and training for the future development of abilities.

For the development of makings, the practice of training, entering into activities where the relevant skills will be improved, is necessary. It can balance not the most successful makings and abilities, but also contribute to the achievement of success due to the formation of their own style, which maximizes the strengths of man.

Consider basketball. One of the favorable conditions for this is high growth. Rosly people have more prospects in this game, but a low man can make up for small growth by other actions - the development of agility, jumping or mobility. Any occupation is multifaceted and allows you to optimally use your features through the development of your style.

Abilities develop safely when a person reaches the limit of personal opportunities and gradually raises this bar up. Under adverse conditions of upbringing, mental trauma, child energy can be spent on vain experiences. Excessive coercion can extinguish a child's activity and dry his ability.