Diet with thrush - do you need a diet for candidiasis in women?

A common disease is thrush, which in the absence of treatment can lead to serious consequences. The best results are provided by complex therapy, which includes special medications, a diet for thrush, and other procedures prescribed by a doctor.

Do you need a diet for thrush?

In the body of a healthy person on the skin, mucous and in the intestine there are fungi, which under the influence of unfavorable factors multiply, causing thrush. During the treatment, a diet with candidiasis is important, since it is impossible to achieve good results without excluding fast carbohydrates from the menu, which provoke reproduction of fungi. The following products are banned:

  1. Alcohol, coffee and carbonated drinks contain sugars, which cause the reproduction of Candida. Sweets also apply here.
  2. Diet for thrush eliminates the use of smoked, fatty, fried and marinated foods. In this harmful food, there are many "hidden" sugars.
  3. Vinegar, soy and shop sauces should be removed, as they contribute to increase the acidity of the body, and this leads to the progression of the disease.

After treatment will give results, it is recommended to follow a number of rules and change your diet.

  1. It is important that the menu contains probiotics , which can be obtained through sour-milk products, for example, yoghurt, kefir, soft cheeses and so on.
  2. Include in your menu products that have omega-3 fatty acids. Do this at least 3-4 times a week. They are in red fish, nuts and oils.
  3. Both the thrush diet and the diet after successful treatment should include products rich in ascorbic acid, which prevents the development of the fungus.
  4. It is essential to minimize the consumption of sweet and fatty foods. It is best to choose healthier options.

Diet for thrush in women

There are a number of recommendations that need to be considered when developing a proper diet, if candidiasis is found.

  1. Take food regularly, that is, no prolonged starvation. Give preference to fractional food.
  2. Diet in candidiasis in women implies a rejection of frying, cooking and baking, it is best to cook the permitted foods for a couple.
  3. It is important to drink plenty of water, but not during meals. The liquid helps to remove toxins from the body.
  4. It is recommended to choose vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of ascorbic acid .
  5. The food should be warm, but not hot.
  6. Diet for thrush should be sparing, in any case not to affect the problem mucous.

Diet in case of intestinal candidiasis

This is the most popular form of thrush and for treatment it is important that the body receives a lot of fiber, minerals and vitamins. Diet for candidiasis of the intestine for each day is based on the above rules. For all types of thrush, the list of useful and forbidden foods is similar. In addition, it is recommended to reduce the amount of products with a lot of starch, for example, bananas and potatoes. Diet in esophageal candidiasis implies a refusal to eat in public places, because in dishes can be harmful products.

Diet in candidiasis of the oral cavity

A healthy person in the oral cavity has different types of fungi, which is considered the norm. If immunity decreases, chronic diseases are present or medicine has to be taken for a long time, then the risk of thrush formation increases substantially.

  1. The diet for candidiasis of the oral cavity implies the use of dairy products, dietary varieties of meat and fish, eggs and vegetables.
  2. Cereals are allowed, but it is better to give preference to buckwheat.
  3. In small quantities you can eat nuts and unsweetened fruits.
  4. Food on a diet with thrush should be warm and in grinded form.

Diet for skin candidiasis

This is a serious disease that requires careful diagnosis, because it looks similar to other dermatological pathologies. If such a thrush is found, the diet during treatment differs little from other forms. The most important rule is to normalize blood sugar, so sweets are strictly prohibited. Consider the list of useful and harmful products, giving preference to food containing antibacterial and antifungal substances.

Diet for vaginal candidiasis

Women at different ages may show up this disease, which is treatable. As with any other kind of candidiasis with vaginal thrush it is important to give up foods that are rich in yeast and sugar. You can not drink milk, alcohol and coffee. Diet in the treatment of thrush in women recommends as often as possible include such products in the menu:

Diet for candidiasis of the respiratory tract

Disease in the throat can occur as a complication of the yeast infection of the vaginal and intestinal. Diet in the treatment of candidiasis of the respiratory tract is no different from other species. Combining drug therapy and proper nutrition can achieve good results. Duration of the diet directly depends on the severity of the pathology, but in the future as a preventive measure, it is recommended to minimize the amount of harmful food.

Diet for thrush during pregnancy

Many women have candidiasis in the situation, and this is explained by reduced immunity. Since taking medications should be minimized, a diet for thrush in women during pregnancy is the ideal solution. On the day the woman in position should eat 100 g of fish or poultry, 200 grams of second courses, 0.5 tbsp. fruit or berries and 150 ml of beverages. Useful beans, cereals, citrus and sea kale.

Diet from thrush approximate - menu

A strictly prescribed diet is not available, so you can independently develop your own menu, considering the list of useful and harmful products. Diet against candidiasis allows the use of: fresh and stewed vegetables, fish, legumes, unsweetened fruits, cereals and poultry. Especially useful are various spices, for example, garlic or cinnamon, and also lemon and cowberry. Well fight with a fungus of oil, eggs, cabbage and carrots. Diet for thrush in women, the list of products which was submitted, can look like this:

Developing for yourself a menu in the diet with thrush, you can use such dishes: oatmeal on the water with fruits, mashed potatoes, squash caviar, fish cutlets , sour cream, steamed cabbage rolls, steam omelette and chicken cutlets, vegetable soups, cream cheese, cottage cheese casserole, milk soup and so on. Using the approved products, you can prepare a lot of delicious and safe for health dishes.