What should a child do in 4 months?

Modern moms pay much attention to the development of babies. And although it is known that all the youngsters are growing at an individual pace, but still there are some indicators that should be oriented to all caring parents. So, many will be interested to know what are the features of the development of the child in 4 months, what should be able to babe at this age. Such information will help Mom's observations of the success of her child.

Basic skills of the baby 4 months

During the first months, parents manage to get involved in a new rhythm of life, everyday life becomes more planned, and a young mother is already able to organize her day. Even such a small karapuz has already mastered a number of skills that can be considered his first achievements. It is worth to find out what the child should do in 4 months:

The Kid already experiences fear, resentment, joy, surprise. He is already able to establish some cause-effect relationships. So, when the baby sees his mother's breast, he looks forward to being fed.

At 4 months the baby smiles consciously, laughs, and at the sight of relatives shows a complex of animation (rejoices, actively moves his hands and feet).

What should alert?

Given that all babies are individual, it is normal if the crumb gets some skills later than the deadline. But in some cases it is more likely to seek the advice of a doctor. This is necessary if the mother will notice that the child does not do the following in 4 months:

Some mothers are interested in what a premature baby can do in 4 months, since the development of such children is different. It all depends on the period in which the baby was born, its weight and height at birth. The karapuz will lag behind the standards and parents should not worry about this, but if the mother has questions and concerns, it is better to consult the doctor.