The power of thought - what do we know about it?

Those who do not believe in extrasensory perception tend to neglect the power of thought and deny that it can change life for the better. Meanwhile, there is a lot of evidence of the positive effect of the power of thought on life with positive thinking.

Secrets of the brain - what is the power of thought capable of?

Many people notice that thoughts are material. Most often negative thoughts are realized and then the person exclaims: "I knew it!". There is even an instructive anecdote on this subject: The Guardian Angel listens to the thoughts of his ward, who is not normally in the mood, and perplexes: "Why does he have a foolish wife, children, idlers, an idiot boss? But asks ... "

The power of thought is capable of much. Its impact occurs on the mental level, imperceptibly from the side, but very effectively. Therefore, a person who often repeats to himself "I can," "I will do," usually achieves success.

On the strength of thought are based some psychological exercises used to solve various problems. For example, affirmations are short positive phrases that you need to repeat as often as possible to yourself. The main rule of composing affirmations is the absence of the particle "not" in the wording. Those. you can not say "I will not be sick," the correct affirmation is "I'll be healthy".

Today, the power of thought is used in many of the latest inventions. There are computers and robots that read mental orders and execute them. The potential of these inventions is enormous - from a significant improvement in the quality of life of disabled people to reducing the number of car accidents. For example, wheelchairs are created, the computer of which reads orders of its owner and makes the necessary manipulations. In addition, a special helmet for motorists was invented, which in a dangerous situation will have time to stop the car much earlier than the driver himself.

The healing power of thought - what do we know about it?

The healing power of thought is known from the depths of centuries to today. All the numerous examples of miraculous deliveries from the most serious diseases have one common feature - a person, even unconsciously, believed in a cure. This effect is based on the amazing results of numerous psychics, and even the placebo effect, when the patient becomes better after taking not drugs, but "dummies".

This fact can be explained by the fact that the human brain is very actively spreading electromagnetic waves, which, in turn, affect all tissues and organs. Receiving positively charged waves, the diseased organ synchronizes with the radiation of the brain and starts to work in the desired mode. Thanks to the power of thought, cases of miraculous healing from cancer and other terrible diseases are known, and almost always these were hopeless patients. After all, as the doctors say: "If the patient wants to live, medicine is powerless."

How to make yourself happy with the power of thought?

The power of thought and positive thinking are used in various ancient practices, for example, feng shui. To obtain the desired, this ancient Chinese teaching recommends making collages of desires. For example, if a girl dreams of finding a loved one, getting married, creating a happy family, she should pick up pictures that match her desires, and nicely place them on a piece of paper. The resulting collage needs to be viewed and dreamed every day, and the fulfillment of the desire usually does not make itself wait.

Despite the progressing seven-league steps, the work of the human brain has been studied extremely little. This body can solve the most difficult tasks and store a huge amount of information, which is not capable of any modern computer . And it will be necessary to investigate it for a very long time. And maybe, to open all the secrets of the brain and learn everything that the power of thought is capable of, will never succeed.