Sprouted Wheat for Weight Loss

Many have heard that the properties of sprouted wheat are unique and multifaceted. This product is often found in a variety of dietary food systems and, in addition, can enter any diet for weight loss.

What is useful wheat germ?

Sprouted wheat is rich in vitamins and minerals, which are so important for human health. Their list includes vitamins B, C, E, P, D, as well as iron, silicon, chromium, potassium, zinc, calcium, copper, selenium, iodine. Including such a useful product in your daily diet, you can not worry about your health and forget about buying chemical vitamins.

Sprouted wheat: calorie content

This product, like all cereals, is quite caloric: 198 units per 100 grams. However, from the dishes of sprouted wheat (and it is added mainly to salads, desserts and to breakfast), you will not gain extra pounds, as in the composition of this product - complex carbohydrates, which practically do not turn into fat folds. In addition, the use of such wheat accelerates the metabolism, why the body will generally strive to burn already accumulated fats.

How to cook sprouted wheat?

You can buy ready-to-eat sprouted wheat in health food stores and some supermarkets. However, it is not difficult to do at home:

  1. Get quality, fresh whole wheat and gauze.
  2. Gauze folded in several layers, moisten and cover her dish.
  3. In a thin layer, mash the wheat, smooth it.
  4. Cover the top with another moistened gauze, folded in several layers.
  5. Put the dish in a sunny, warm place.
  6. After 1-2 days you will see sprouts of 1-2 mm - hence, ready to eat!
  7. If the wheat germinates longer, rinse it after a day.

To use the germinated wheat for weight loss, it's enough just to replace your usual dinner with a glass of natural yogurt or kefir mixed with half a glass of wheat.