Culture of business communication

An important criterion for assessing your professionalism is the culture of business communication. Leaders pay enough attention to this when taking a person to work, as well as during the performance of their duties.

One of the types of business conversation are telephone conversations. Therefore, during a telephone conversation, the skills of conducting a business conversation will be useful. In addition, the conversation on the phone is very different from the face-to-face conversation.

The general rules for conducting a conversation are as follows:

Psychological culture of business communication

The psychology of business communication is part of complex psychology. This section uses the same principles as in general psychology: the principle of causality, the principle of development, the principle of systemic.

Communication - the interaction of two or more people, whose goal is to exchange information of a cognitive or emotional nature. During communication, your interlocutor influences and influences your behavior, state and worldview. This impact is always mutual, but rarely - uniform. Basically, communication arises in the joint activity of people. In the process of communication, people exchange gestures, facial expressions, and replicas. In addition, both interlocutors have in their head virtual images of how each of them looks from the outside (these images are a bit similar to reality, but not completely), as well as the image of their interlocutor (the image corresponds to reality, but a person always brings into it that on my own). Most often in the sphere of human communication, there is such a kind of it as business communication. In addition to two people directly involved in the conversation, there is a social norm. Every person believes that he is unique and has his own opinion, but, unfortunately, in the end everything comes down to the opinion of the social norm.

The process of communication

There are several styles and types of communication. Business type communication has its difference in that it always pursues a specific goal, has a time limit and is often broken down into intervals. Business conversation will be crowned with success, if between partners there will be an understanding and trust.

Etiquette and culture of business communication

Etiquette is the established order of behavior. The culture of behavior is a form of communication based on morality, aesthetic taste and observance of certain rules and norms.

Business etiquette is the main component of the behavior of a business person. This knowledge needs not only to acquire, but also to constantly develop.

Rule number 1 . Punctuality. Late work hurts her, and it's also an obvious evidence that a person is not reliable. A business person should always competently calculate their time. You should try to allocate time for the task with a small margin, since unforeseen circumstances can always arise.

Rule number 2 . As few unnecessary words as possible. Everyone should be able to keep the secrets of their company, as well as not discuss their personal affairs at work.

Rule number 3 . Think of others. Always consider the opinions, desires and interests of your interlocutors and partners.

Rule number 4 . Clothing by dress code . Try to dress the same way as others, but at the same time showing your taste.

Rule number 5 . Speech culture of business communication. If a person speaks competently, then he deserves recognition and earns a good reputation.

Try to conduct the conversation correctly and then you will submit to any top.