Bactisubtil - analogues

Bactisubtil - a drug from the group of probiotics, which is prescribed for intestinal dysbacteriosis, acute and chronic diarrhea of ​​various origin, enteritis and enterocolitis . One capsule contains 35 mg of freeze-dried bacteria spores of Bacillus cereus IP 5832.

How to replace Bactisubtil?

There are no structural analogs of Bactisubtil, with the same bacterial strain, but there are a number of agents with similar medicinal action, belonging to the group of probiotics:

In addition, there are a number of drugs that, although they do not belong to the same drug group and are not analogues of Bactisubtil, give the same, and sometimes even stronger, medicinal effect. These are antimicrobials recommended for certain diarrhea, and probiotics for intestinal dysbacteriosis.

To select the most suitable probiotic, it is advisable to follow the following rules:

  1. If suspicion of the viral nature of digestive disorders is desirable to take drugs based on lactobacilli (Lactobacterin, Biobakton, Primadofilus).
  2. When suspected of bacterial damage, the best combination is the combination of bifido- and lactobacilli (Linex, Bacteriobalans, Bifiform, Bifidine).
  3. If the fungal nature of the infection is suspected, preparations containing bifidobacteria (Probiform, Bifidumbacterin, Biovestin) are best suited.

Comparative characteristics of Bactisubtil and its analogs

Although in many respects the action of probiotics depends on the individual reaction of the organism, they can differ in the effect, the content of bacteriological cultures, and also, which for many, substantially, at a price.

Which is better - Bactisubtil or Linex?

Both drugs quite effectively restore the intestinal microflora, but Linex is a combined agent that contains enterococcus, lacto- and bifidobacteria, whereas Bactisubtil is only one culture. Linex is considered to be the most effective analogue of Bactisubtil for intestinal dysbacteriosis, but almost half of it is cheaper, which is important, as the courses of taking such drugs are at least two months.

Which is better - Bactisubtil or Enterol?

Enterol is a preparation based on lyophilized yeast, which suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. The drug is effective in diarrhea of ​​various genesis, but not with dysbiosis, especially its form, which arises from the administration of antibiotics.

Which is better - Bactisubtil or Bifiform?

Bifiform is a combined agent with the content of enterococci and bifidobacteria. It has the same range of indications for use that Bactisubtil, but is in the same price category as Linex. Individual allergic reactions to certain components of the drug are possible.

Which is better - Bactisubtil or Enterofuril?

These two drugs can not be called analogues, since they belong to different drug groups. Enterofuril refers to antimicrobial agents used in intestinal infections. Thus, it is much more effective in disorders of the stool, but can not serve as a substitute for Bactisubtil in the case of intestinal dysbacteriosis.

Which is better - Bactisubtil or Bactystatin?

Baxstatin is a complex preparation from probiotic, prebiotic and sorbent. It is an effective tool in the fight against dysbiosis, but with severe diarrhea is ineffective.