Time management for moms

A working mom for today is not enough for anyone to surprise. Mom with three children working five days a week will cause such surprise. Seeing my mother having many children, beautiful and stylish, having time to watch herself, home, children and at the same time working immediately raises the question: "How?"

Time management for mom will allow a woman to plan her time and not waste it in vain.

Personal time management:

  1. The house . This item includes such duties: washing, cleaning, buying food, as well as paying for the apartment.
  2. Children . Children need to have time to feed, buy, buy clothes, play, talk.
  3. The husband . A spouse needs communication. This includes the performance of marital duty, the development of relations .
  4. Beauty . A balanced diet and exercise will allow a woman to feel beautiful and healthy.
  5. Personal development . For example, you can enroll in courses, attend seminars and trainings.
  6. Communication . This sub-item includes correspondence, acquaintances, conversations with friends, hiking.
  7. Personal pleasure . A woman must be able to do what she likes.

Time management for housewives

Consider the rules of home time management:

  1. We need to divide our dwelling into several zones, which are put in order for half an hour.
  2. The sector of order and purity is chosen, from which every day will begin. You can start cleaning from the kitchen sink. The most important thing is that this sector does not take a lot of time.
  3. Every night you need to make a plan for house affairs the next day. It will not be difficult and does not take much time.
  4. Every evening, take out the garbage that is collected per day. It is very important to immediately throw them into the garbage can, so that there is no desire to put them back.
  5. You need to plan your vacation . There must be time for taking a bath.

Time management for parents

The foundation for effective use of parents' time is the proper arrangement of priorities. This is the stage that allows you to achieve a different level of life.

Time management for parents - recommendations that can save a lot of time:

  1. Do not neglect the help. There is nothing shameful in asking for help. Do not give up on the help that is offered.
  2. Home affairs should be done when the child is in a state of alert. This point will bring great life changes.
  3. A child's sleep is a time for personal affairs. If the previous paragraph is completed and part of the work is done, then in free time it will be possible to engage in useful things.