This gecko is smiling since he was presented with his toy copy!

Do you know what really means "mimi"? No, these are not pictures of cute dolls, funny seals or puppies. This word is filled with charm only when we see something unexpectedly-sweet where we do not expect at all! Do not understand what we are? Then look ...

What first comes to your mind when it comes to reptiles? Fear, horror, disgust?

Well, from this moment, remembering lizards and other creeping reptiles, you will blur into a smile, like this gecko, when next to him his little toy copy!

No, can you believe it ???

Meet this kid called Kohaku, and he smiles from the moment the hostess gave him a toy in the form of a loved one!

It seems that the gecko looks happy literally on every frame.

And do not you still smile with him?

By the way, Kohaku himself without realizing has already become an Instagram star, where thousands of subscribers visit his funny face every day!

And after all it also is - mimi!

How, you have not set him a "like" yet?