What kind of nasal drops are possible during pregnancy?

Any, even the most minor colds, accompanied by a runny nose and other unpleasant symptoms, can be very dangerous for the health and life of the future mother and her unborn baby. Unfortunately, immunity in pregnant women is significantly reduced, so "catching" the virus for them is not difficult. That is why, during pregnancy, it is important to know which drops in the nose can be used, and which ones can not be applied.

During a cold, a girl in an "interesting" position wants to do everything possible to recover as soon as possible and get rid of the symptoms of the disease, in particular, the common cold. Meanwhile, most of the usual medicines during the bearing of the baby can not be used, so future mothers often do not know what and how to treat them.

In this article, we will tell you about whether it is possible for pregnant women to drip into the nose, and which ones are better to choose in order to avoid serious complications if possible.

What nasal drops are possible during pregnancy?

Some of the safest drops in the nose that you can safely use during pregnancy are various moisturizers based on sea water, in particular, Saline, Aqualor or Aquamaris. However, such funds are also the most useless - they do not treat diseases of a viral or bacterial nature and, in addition, do not reduce the stuffiness of the nose.

In addition, any of these drugs can be replaced with a saline solution prepared at home. So you will save a significant part of the money and achieve the same effect.

Also for pregnant women with a cold come homeopathic drops in the nose. They have a very mild anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and anti-edema effect on the nasopharynx. The only drawback of such drugs is that you will not feel at ease soon, perhaps even in a few days. The most popular and popular homeopathic drops are such products as Edas-131 and Euphbium compositum.

Why pregnant women should not sosudosuzhivayuschie drops in the nose?

Perhaps the most common form of medications that are available in the form of drops in the nose are vasoconstrictors. They are widely used by both children and adults to facilitate breathing for a long time, however, pregnant women are not advised to do this categorically.

This is due to the fact that any medications in this category contain active adrenaline components, which provide a vasoconstrictive effect. Unfortunately, they are able to act not only locally, but also throughout the human body, which, in turn, can adversely affect the normal nutrition of crumbs and placenta. In addition, the action of adrenaline components can provoke fetal hypoxia, as well as increased uterus tone, which, in turn, can lead to spontaneous abortion or the onset of premature birth.

Thus, during the first 2 trimesters of pregnancy, when there is an active formation of the brain and central nervous system of the fetus, any vasoconstrictor drugs should be completely excluded from the arsenal of the future mother. In the last 3 months of the baby's expectation, the use of such drugs as Vibrocil, Ximelin, Galazolin and Tizin is allowed, however, and at this time they can be used only once a day and not more than a week.

In addition, very carefully follows to apply to antibacterial agents of a wide spectrum of action, or to antibiotics, let out in the form of drops for instillation in nasal courses. Such medications can be taken not earlier than the twelfth week of the waiting period for the baby and only on the prescription of the doctor. The list of nasal drops that can be very dangerous for pregnant women is as follows: