Tablets against bloating and gas production

Bloating, increased gas formation - an unpleasant phenomenon, which for sure at least once faced everything. Some people suffer this from time to time, which is more often associated with a fast meal, a relentless chewing on food, overeating or eating foods that contribute to increased gas production.

When should I take pills for bloating and gas?

In other cases, discomfortable symptoms occur quite often, being manifestations of various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract:

Bloating and gas formation in such pathologies are provoked by the violation of digestion, disruption of peristalsis and absorption of gases and other causes.

If the symptoms in question are associated with diseases of the digestive system, then complex treatment is required to resolve them after a number of diagnostic studies. In cases where bloating and gas formation are episodic phenomena, getting rid of them can be achieved by taking tablets. Consider what tablets from bloating and increased gassing in the intestine are the most effective.

Tablets with bloating and gas formation

We list the most common and effective means against swelling and gas formation in the form of tablets that are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription and can be used with irregularly observed symptoms for their elimination:

  1. Activated charcoal is perhaps the most inexpensive pill for bloating and gas production. This agent is an excellent adsorbent, which absorbs and removes from the intestine gases, toxic substances and pathogenic microorganisms. Not everyone knows that to enhance the adsorption properties of the drug tablets are recommended to grind into powder and dissolve in a small amount of water at room temperature.
  2. White coal is a more modern enterosorbent based on silicon dioxide and microcrystalline cellulose. Its distinctive feature is that, removing excess gases from the body, toxins, products of incomplete metabolism and pathogenic microorganisms, this drug does not affect useful substances, vitamins, trace elements.
  3. Mezim-forte is a preparation based on pancreatic enzymes necessary for the full digestion of food. The tablets are coated with an enteric coating, so that their action is manifested in that part of the digestive system, where necessary. The product quickly and effectively copes with the absorption of unusual and heavy food, eliminating discomfort in the abdomen.
  4. Espumizan is a carminative drug, the main component of which is silicone compound simethicone. The drug is available in the form of gelatin capsules, the reception of which promotes the rapid removal of accumulated gases in the intestine, without affecting the enzymes and microorganisms present in the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Motillium is a remedy based on domperidone, which contributes to the intensification of intestinal peristalsis, thereby ensuring the rapid evacuation of accumulated gases. The medicine is made in the form of lingual tablets, which are not washed down with water.
  6. But-spa - spasmolytic tablets, active ingredient of which is drotaverin , which is also recommended for use when bloating. They help to relax the smooth muscles of the intestine, eliminating spasm. This eliminates the soreness that occurs when gases accumulate in the digestive tract.