Signs of Pregnancy Early in Pre-Delay

As you know, the most reliable way to determine the beginning of a pregnancy is to visit a gynecologist. However, women do not always do this. Therefore, quite often the question arises as to what signs of pregnancy appear in the early stages, even before the delay. Let's try to understand and consider in more detail the earliest signs of pregnancy, which are already observed literally in the first days after conception.

What early signs usually indicate pregnancy before the delay of menstruation?

These kinds of signs can be conditionally divided into reliable and probable. Reliable ones are those that are confirmed by various kinds of research, i.e. ultrasound, blood test for hCG , etc.

Probable include those signs that can talk about the pregnancy that has occurred under certain conditions. All of them require confirmation. These include:

  1. The absence of another menstruation is the most important sign. However, it must be remembered that such a phenomenon can be observed due to some disease. Therefore, it can not be said with 100% confidence that the absence of menstruation is a reliable sign of the pregnancy that has come. Moreover, in some cases, small spotting can also be observed directly during the gestation.
  2. Pain in the mammary gland and increase it in volume. This is due to hormonal changes, which are observed almost immediately after conception. However, it is worth remembering that this phenomenon can be a sign of the disease, and therefore requires mandatory examination.
  3. Mood change, fatigue, irritability, appetite, exacerbation of smell, etc. - may also be a sign of a pregnancy that has occurred.
  4. Frequent urination is often attributed to the likely signs of the onset of pregnancy.

It should also be said that there are so-called folk signs that can also be perceived as early signs of pregnancy before the onset of a delay. So, for example, according to them, if a woman dreamed of a fish or a cub, then, most likely, this indicates a pregnancy that has begun. In addition, many women note that suddenly they were all carried, and everything that did not work before, - it is possible, as if by the stroke of a magic wand. According to popular beliefs, usually animals begin to be very pregnant. So if you notice, for example, that your cat is excessively weasel, is it possible that you are pregnant?

At what time can a woman already suspect a pregnancy?

Typically, with a normally developing pregnancy, the first signs appear at very early times. So, many women mark their appearance already literally 7-10 days after conception. However, they are so weakly expressed that most of them are not taken into account.

The appearance of fatigue, increased fatigue women are often associated with the costs of complex work and believe that after rest all this will pass by itself. However, after the symptoms described above have been observed for more than one day, the woman decides to have a pregnancy test, and quite often it proves to be positive.

What signs indicate a frozen pregnancy in the early stages?

Quite often it happens that pregnancy does not go as it should. One example of such violations is a stagnant pregnancy.

First of all, when diagnosing such a violation in the early stages of pregnancy, they rely on the so-called signs of fetal fading. These include: