What is useful for the liver?

The liver is an important organ, without its work the body will not survive. The liver acts as a cleansing barrier, that is, it neutralizes toxins and harmful substances that enter the bloodstream from the intestine. In our time, the work of the liver, complicate poor-quality products and poor ecology, so this body needs useful substances. For the liver, many vegetables, lean fish are useful, but sweets are harmful. To restore the optimum performance of the liver will help unloading days.

Dealing with questions - what is good for the liver and what is harmful, you should immediately note the correct way of life , which has a beneficial effect on the liver and the whole body, but bad habits: alcohol, smoking, and the use of toxic and narcotic drugs inevitably ruin the body.

Negatively affects the operation of the liver frequent tricks of complex chemical compounds - drugs, infectious diseases. Hepatitis A, B, and C viruses can cause serious inflammation in the liver, so you can not use other things that can injure your skin (manicure accessories, earrings, razors, etc.), and avoid unprotected casual sex.

It is hard for the liver to work when you eat a lot of sweets. This body is responsible for the level of glucose in the blood and for the synthesis of glycogen. The immense use of rapidly digestible carbohydrates leads to a disruption in the function of the liver.

Useful for the liver are moderate physical activity, since, with them, the blood supply improves, and the liver is easier to cleanse the blood. For the benefit of, the work of the liver, there will be unloading days, that is, when you use a scant amount of food per day. They are able to strengthen liver cells and facilitate its work some products.

What food is good for the liver?

Useful foods for the liver include foods that are rich in vitamins A, E and C and are easily digestible. That is, you will facilitate the work of the liver with diet products that will not contain a large amount of fat and cholesterol. Many dishes on the table contain oils, and so, for the liver are useful only vegetable oils, for example, olive, and the use of cream is allowed only in small quantities.

The most useful products for the liver include fish of low-fat varieties, for example, cod, trout, hake, pike, thick-flesh, carp. In such a fish contains a lot of protein and, only useful, fats of the Omega complex. There are vitamins A and E useful for the liver, which protect the membrane of the liver cells and help to withstand the destructive power of toxins.

To work the liver, it is useful to use sour-milk products. They act as a natural adsorbent, absorbing most of the harmful substances in the intestine, so a small amount of toxins enter the blood and the work of the liver is simplified.

Useful for the liver cereal cereals, which are rich in mineral-vitamin complex and fiber. Minerals and vitamins strengthen the immune system, and hence the resistance of liver cells. Fiber helps to activate the work of the intestines, and, with mucus masses, many "bad" substances are deduced, thereby facilitating the liver's blood purification work.

Analyzing what fruits are useful for the liver, it is necessary to note those fruits that are rich in vitamins A and C. The most useful for the liver are carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin. These products help restore hepatocytes - specific cells of the body, through which the liver, performs its protective functions in the body.

Speaking about the benefits of products, one should not forget about water. To facilitate the work of the liver, it is necessary to drink filtered, purified water at least one and a half liters per day. It is useful to drink a glass of clear water in the morning on an empty stomach - this action will benefit the work of the gastrointestinal tract and help to withdraw the products of the activity of natural intestinal bacteria accumulated overnight, which, in turn, will benefit the liver.